I was in an old house and people were visiting my children. and I got a telephone call that my uncle died from my stepmother. August 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in an old house and people were coming to visit my children. and I got a telephone call that mu uncle died. August 05, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I got a telephone call on a pair of scissors and when I answered them, I stabbed myself in the eye. July 22, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was talking to my deceased grandmother on the telephone. I could see her face as I spoke to her, and I was telling her that everything was alright. She did not speak but only made sounds of agreement and satisfaction. I was telling her that someone had just had a baby and i was trying to get her house cleaned up. It was a three-way telephone call with my brother. December 16, 2011 > Read Dream Analysis