I was in a dark cave with a table and two chairs. a seat for myself and a seat for satan, above was a booth with aunt Irene and Aunt Shirley standing there, they were both dressed in glowing bleach white gowns. Satan offered me the world but i declined and returned my shoes. satan was extremely angry, the table was thrown over August 27, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
It was devil like things going on. People taking things from me then i go to call police the car starts moving by itself and it's Red around me with ghost flying by and seeing satanic things May 22, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a house with my deceased grandfather looking for somebody missing and I found a photo album of pictures of cult members bloody beds and me and my loved ones randomly throughout the years and as I get to the back of the photo album there are pictures of them performing a satanic ritual June 02, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I only remember there was an ancient Indian ceremony and they said the way to heaven is going to show to true believers and the sky turned purple and the stars aligned together leading a purple line path to heaven but when I realized my kids and my boyfriend where at home I left to go get them so we can go to follow the line but when I went back there was fire and chaos within the worldly people and I had to save my husband from satanic police killers and we was running from them I kept praying and praying and I was trying to get them all out.. it was scary to think of heaven and earth and he'll at the same time in my dream... November 22, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I only remember there was an ancient Indian ceremony and they said the way to heaven is going to show to true believers and the sky turned purple and the stars aligned together leading a purple line path to heaven but when I realized my kids where at home I left to go get them with there father so we can go to follow the line but when I went back there was fire and chaos within the worldly people and I had to save my husband from satanic police killers and we was running from them I kept praying and praying and I was trying to get them all out.. it was scary to think of heaven and earth and he'll at the same time in my dream... November 22, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I only remember there was an ancient Indian ceremony and they said the way to heaven is going to show to true believers and the sky turned purple and the stars aligned together leading a purple line path to heaven but when I realized my kids where at home I left to go get them with there father so we can go to follow the line but when I went back there was fire and chaos within the worldly people and I had to save my husband from satanic police killers and we was running from them I kept praying and praying and I was trying to get them all out.. it was scary to think of heaven and earth and he'll at the same time in my dream... Then I appeared with old loves from Jr. High and then someone else and other members in a graduation party with alcohol and I wanted to give them my speech and tell them about the beginning of my dream only that I was still dreaming and I started crying and only some believed me and some didn't which I wasn't fully happy then I remembered these guy isn't my love.. My true love was the one I was trying to save in the beginning... I still kept praying.. I woke up worried for my kids self and world and true love and I also woke up scared of God and Jesus as to what they will say or if they will abandone me and my family here and the ones who are not evil on earth.. November 22, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
It was devil like things going on. People taking things from me then i go to call police the car starts moving by itself and it's Red around me with ghost flying by and seeing satanic things while a woman and her new born baby were in the back seat May 22, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis