I was the head of an ancient order of tantric monks. Our order had perfected extremely advanced sexual techniques that allowed us to transcend physical limitations of time and space. Many of these techniques utilized semenancy - and as a result most of the monks were constantly experimenting with supplements to increase the volume of the semen they were capable of ejaculating. Somehow these supplements were genetically modified by Elon Musk in such as way as to increase seminal volume several thousand times beyond the maximum sought by semenancy practitioners. As a result many monks were rocketed into earth orbit by the force of their own ejaculations. My dream ended just as I was about to interpret a particularly fascinating semen splatter pattern on the face of one of our young temple prostitutes. It was very frustrating as it seemed like the meaning of everything was about to be revealed just before I woke up. May 19, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I took my phone case off to clean the screen when I put it back on and the case was. really. lose and crunchy then the screen broke and rocks began coming out April 30, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Living in the trap house for weeks on end smoking rock adrenochrome with the girls in between gerbil play - just like in real life. But in dream everyone was also wearing plastic top hats and kept tap dancing and doing corny old vaudeville numbers in between hits on the pipe. October 11, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Running out of adrenochrome to freebase and ghost-busting all through the carpet shag looking for rocks when suddenly realized I had no pants on September 26, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Roof blew off in storm saw a rocket fly by and in the scene of star wars June 21, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was carrying a plastic bag with clothes in it as I was naked. I put it down and swam across a rock pool at the ocean. I swam back to get the bag with clothes in it. When I got there a hairy scruffy naked man was being chased by another man who had a beach umbrella. The naked man ran in to a theatre being chased by the man with the beach umbrella. They ran out of another door and ran towards me to attack and I ran at them to attack May 16, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about cynocephaly, I was a child picking up rocks and put them close to a tree, at first a black dog was with me. Then I climbed the tree and stayed there for a while, but everything around me was getting dark and the dog, which was starting me, changed, its body was more human but it remains the dog head. I didn't want to move or anything, and the Las thing I saw before waking up was the dog's mouth wide open ready to bite me. March 29, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
Bottom of huge cave. Family lived there. I climbed up wall away from campfire light into darkness. Up and up I climbed. Until, at a distant, the cave wall showed a faint silhouette of a doorway. Made my way totally exhausted to a outcrop of rock which was the floor before the door. I felt around to find a handle then opened the enormous door to find a large cathedral cave with a flat stone floor reaching into the long hallway straight before me. Slowly I walked down the hallway the became smaller and smaller about the size of... December 09, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis