Husband had put everything in garden and rats were crawling over everything then everythjng hurdg jn to glames i was screaming anc was locked in housr November 06, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
Husband had put everything in garden and rats were crawling over everything then everythjng hurdg jn to glames i wax screaming hug locked in housr November 06, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that there were lots of spiders and rats running all over the place of the kitchen area and I poured hot water over them and they didn't die. May 08, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I just had the weirdest dream. So I dreamed of small four black rats much like the ones in the Cinderella story.They were helping me and they were my pets. Usually in real life I wouldn't go anywhere near rats, but in the dream I was glad to know they were helping me. Anyways things had started to go south soon enough. Someone (i don't remember who. The dream is kind of fading away now) warned me about the rats and influenced me to kill them. But I remember arguing with that person because I didn't enjoy the idea of killing an animal. However, I did it anyways in the end. After seeing the rats eat and just when the night got darker and everyone was drifting off to bed, I ended up successfully suffocating the rats with a white pillow. For some reason I felt relief because whatever danger was coming that I was told about was now over. But then the rats came back as ghost after the lights turned on. They were angry and haunting me and threatening to nibble at my feet. For some reason I thought that if I pretended to mourn over their death they would leave me alone. It worked or it didn't because I don't remember much now. I woke up very quickly after that feeling very confused and disturbed. I never have a dream like this so I'm kind of weirded out now and I was hoping to know what this means. October 25, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream that i had spiders and rats in my house people from work where there and so was my mother- in- law May 08, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis