Understand My Dreams

Dreams overalls

On an island and running mountain paths for gym glass. My gym teachers were a couple of old bosses from my past. They took us to the island to run for no apparent reason, other than that they owned a huge house there. A huge storm came up suddenly, but I left something important in their house and had to run around the mansion to find it. By the time I did, the boat with the rest of my classmates had already left to get ahead of the storm. I was stuck driving, in what amounted to a hurricane, with my bosses. We needed to drive overnight, through the storm, to reach the other side of the island where they had a huge boat that we could take home. We drove through flooded streets with floating cop cars, dodged cars stuck on the side if the road, dodged a guy painting an overpass in the middle of the storm (he was painting orange, red, and yellow squares on it while wearing dark yellow rubber overalls and a red shirt)... It was a very scary storm. I remember closing my eyes and praying to God to protect us and keep us safe. When we finally got to the other end of the island, the storm had broke, and the sky was lit up by a bright pink sunrise... Their boat mechanic met us as we pulled up to tell us that it would be a couple more hours until the boat was ready to go...

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