I dreamed on november twentieth i dreamed i had a wig made of copper wire
I had a dream about november eighteen i asked god to eliminate originator of the attack
I dreamed on adam beach was born on november eleventh nineteen ninety two
I had a dream about november eleventh two thousand eleven
Dead agama lizard on my cloth that is mark 10 november
Beach and women came with 2 kids. Boy and girl. She said do you know your flight on that day? When you were at the the airport looking for your terminal. This is your ticket. She gave me the plane ticket. the plane will take off on the first of November. The destination is unclear. She had a phone in her hand. She said she will come back and tell me the destination.
I dreamed on november thirteen twothousand twelve elsworth and crystal meet in louisiana
I had a dream about comet elenin november two thousand eleven
Beach and women came with 2 kids. Boy and girl. She said do you know your flight on that day? When you were at the the airport looking for your terminal. This is your ticket. She gave me the plane ticket. the plane will take off on the first of November. The destination is unclear.
I realise my intestines are coming out from a hole on the right of my stomach, I struggle to put them back in and realise there is a tear and excrement is coming out all over me. I see my father and ask for help, he stares blankly. I had a terrible ms relapse last year and my father didn't help me, last november i stopped speaking to him completely as he felt he had helped. My friends looked after me 24/7 for several weeks and despite desperate calls to him for him to come see me he didn't.