I am in a church with someone I am in love and we both see a new born crying because he is alone, his parents went outside. December 09, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed of nephelim that was very tall but looked like someone i knew January 15, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
In my dream my school had to go to the other school and talk for some reason and it was my turn and I didn't know what to talk about so I just started cussing my ex out and saying how he got me in bed then when he was done kicked me out and how he cheated on me and stuff and hoe I knew about all the times and then I apologized to this one girl cause of something I did but then I went to this other girl who used to be my friend but she was a peice of shit an ddid some shitty things and i told her something and then I was telling this guy to break up w his girlfriend and get with me instead and i felt so bad and then i as talking to one of my friends that I found out my ex was cheating on me with before we were friends and i told her that he didnt deserve us an d some other things December 24, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
Me and this person who I think is my crush, but I'm not sure, went to an American convenience store, but it was in New Zealand. We bought some colourful rainbow candy and left. He was wearing a red bomber jacket. January 13, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
Ne and this person who I think is my crush, but I'm not sure, went to an American convenience store, but it was in new Zealand. We bought some colourful rainbow candy and left. He was wearing a red bomber jacket. January 13, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
Animal teied to attack me but could not. Brown dogs. New place. Airplane December 14, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
Mind I was an ancient vampire and was accompanied by a bunch of other vampires. We were outside in the day. There was a vampire who was infected with a disease that made her a canibal. I was protecting the other vampires from her because I was the only one strong and fast enough. I had the ability to read and control the minds of others. I would catch the bad vampire and lock her up but the cages were bad quality and I knew she would escape. Each of the other vampires had their own personality and potentials and I was also helping the control themselves not to eat the humans around etc. I didn't trust them though I kept a close eye on them because they could attack me and minute. One of them his face kept peeling and cracking and he kept trying to distract me by doing silly and ridiculous things February 03, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
Get snatched by a robotic alien species named Isomorphics. The Isomorphics want to conquer the charted universe and make everything the same, like them. They experiment of me, turn me into a cyborg with a new right arm and legs below the knees. The right hand also has the ability to store an extra set of fingers that I can swap to. January 30, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw a dream about my ex we just broke up. The dream started me getting phone call while I was sitting at my family's wedding event with my best friend. I picked up the phone and I went were he told me to come. When I reached my destination of my childhood and I asked him why he is in this part of my life. And as we kept walking I saw my parents house were he and I were alone. He said he could have taken my virginity there if had not loved me. We kept walking and we saw a church. We got in and he was posted by evil spirit that manifested itself in the church. He didn't want rhe demon to go out and the evil sprit said it was one that gave the charisma to be loved. He also agreed that he wants to keep the demon. While his demon was talking I see my parents came and got confused and disappointed and left to go to the family wedding. My ex after a while told me he wants to leave the church and when we left we went out in a new strange neighborhood and it looked chaotic and scary I kept calling his name I couldn't find him and I found myself alone and I woke up January 26, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis