Understand My Dreams

Dreams mother

I was in my uncle place in mumbai. Uncle is my mother brother. We were eight members can't remember who but even more people came and used another place they had upstairs but I was worried about dad since he wa not coming inside, the reason I was worried was a group of eight tigers was let loose around our area and suddenly they come to our building and we are all trapped and I cannot find dad and then I hear he left in the auto and when more people were coming to our house I could not find him so I was stressed and tensed. Don't recall the middle but before I woke up I saw that I was on the last floor and a tiger was on the ledge of one of the floors and was trying to get a horse to make his prey and horse was trying to get away from him and then suddenly my night mare come true I am alone at home and the tiger enters through the door, he is breaking all doors but as he comes in the room I am in I get out through the door and lock the room and get out of the house and try to escape but while going two floors down there is another tiger and I am scared as to how how will I escape he is a white tiger and is staring at me as he is about to pounce I run sideways and jump from the building and am hanging by the ledge and then I wake up.

There was a deer outside in my neighborhood and I was excited to see it. I tried to show my mom but she was being frustrating and almost caused me to miss it. It came back so I ran outsid to try to feed it half an apple. It was sliced several times and looked like a pomegranate. The deer didn't want it. The deer had a face like a ugly human girl but I thought I was still cute. It was tied by the hind leg by a rope. A man in a green hunting jacket came out and said it's his deer. There was another one down the road near his truck. It was also tied by the back hind leg but had a normal face. Jeffree star showed up to hang out with me and he decided to inform me the hunger had the baby deer tied up so he could lay on top of them and smother them to death.

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