Understand My Dreams

Dreams lice

In my dream I am Taylor Swift. Who is supposed to go on a date with Joe Alwyn. But the setting is Delhi and she lives in a really rural busy area in a mob setting. She barely has a house but has a dad who's actually my dad and many siblings. She goes to get dressed and for some reason goes out of her house and cannot find her way back. The riot had started and between the ruins and the already dilipated situation of the location she cannot find it back. And she who is actually me keeps running in search of the house and everything is on fire. This is the second time I have seen this dream. During the first one the details were different but this time around its pretty much all to it. Every one is missing and its chaos and I am running for my life. This dream then changed to me as a police inspector who is running because there's a mob willing to kill them. She /I run and reach a hospital where the mob was killing the doctors. The murders were brutal. Single shot to the head with your brains coming out. By this point I usually have to convince myself that this is a dream and I wake up

In the dream so I was going out at isiokolo, I saw one of my late aunt with her child so I decided to go and meet her and greet her when I got there at the roundabout side I greeted her but the child refuse to let go of me that I must carry him and go to where I was going but I refuse instead I ask the mom if there is anybody in the house so I will drop him there to play since their house is close to the agbon secondary school. I carried the child at my back, as I was going after passing a spot where police were standing nor far from their street, some guys were following us sha and my instinct already told me that those people aren't nice. So I hasten my legs but wasn't fast enough and they caught me. They where like I should bring out my phone for money. I said I don't have money that they sent me message but I branch my aunt side to greet her and the son refuse to let go that's why I'm taking the child to the house so I will take keke to ughelli that I'm going. The guys refuse to hear, my aunty so now came into the matter and was still telling same thing to the guys but they still refuse. They kept on saying I should bring the money but I was still explaining to them, the next thing I saw was something that look like Cain that the guy use and hit me. He was just hitting me and I was just shouting. Guess what, the place all this are happening wasn't far from where the police were standing but they didn't come that was where I woke up this morning to pray

Story tone: I have this dream that is really frequent lately, like i live in a town that is close to a river... the town is a cuban style close to modern but full of palm trees... then there is this night in every two weeks, people is sleeping early and shut all the doors and window tightly. and here is my scene came in... i'm not sure why but i feel like im new in the town but seems i'm living in the town my whole life. then one night everyone is panicking because some weird creature appears and seems creating havoc in the area. then when i realized that i need to escape what i think of is to bring my aunt with me and my nieces. then i realized i have a super power.. that i can float/fly but it's took weak.. like i can just barely above the roof... but still i tried to escape with my aunt and my nieces me trying to carry all of them so we are just floating above the river... then the next segment is we found a town next to the river and the town have a cave.... we do not know the place so what we did is we go to this big cave and we try to rest there and sleep... then we actually try to hide because some people are coming out in the cave-like you know the feeling that they where there because they had a prayer or what.... that's the feeling... and there is a priest.. but one thing caught my attention is there is a boy that looks like the hunchback of Notre-Dame... but a bit skinnier and younger. but the face is almost the same and creepier... btw this is in the middle of the night.... so while im resting.... one of my niece went back to me that she was like stub or sliced in the stomach asking for help.... or saying to leave the place... and one of my niece is missing... thinking that maybe the creepy dude is did something weird to them... and the town is also like the same town i've been to like everyone is shutting their homes. then me and my one niece is trying to escape one boy helped us.. since i have a power to float he said we can stay somewhere high in a one house... like the feeling of a Bird nest.. whit hay and everything... then that's where it ended.... hahahahahah this is kind the most recent dreams i have and it's the same thing for the past weeks.... by the way the drawing is the creature like i saw hahahah like they have skin like texture but slimy.....

I was at my home and mostly I was alone. One day a middle aged man and a small boy tried to break into my house to steal. But I tried stopping them. Next day a middle aged auto man came in front of my house with Mangal Sutra in one hand and a big knife in another hand who tried to marry me forcefully and all of a sudden my brother came and stopped him and handed over him to police. Next day while traveling in bike with my husband all of sudden a hug crowd was there in the streets. My brother was also there standing in front of my house. Then only I noticed there are huge numbers of baby crocodiles, small black and white fishes and blue colour fishes where scattered throughout from the entrance to bedroom. We were so confused that where this had came from. By that time my mom was there and there was also a malayali mam was staying with us. Whom I had never seen in my real life. My brother and husband were trying to get rid of those crocodiles and fishes as I sat at my bedroom. This malayali man was looking good. I tried talking to him but I couldn't as I felt it is unwanted too. After sometime he went to washroom with his cellphone and was masturbating by watching porn and I saw this in the bathroom door gap. I smirked and left. He doesn't know I was watching him. Then after few mins or hours when I tried to get out of the room this malayali man was about to bump but we both managed. He told me to watch my step as there were crocodiles and fishes were there yet. While he said that my brother who was cleaning to crocs said sorry to him for scolding the malayali guy in bad words earlier that day. The crocodiles and fishes were alive.

Dreamt about a lot of bad and fierce people cutting salmons and some other types of fishes into slices. Then they displayed them out on the floor with some formation. Those smells from the fish were so bad and those people want us to eat those fish freshly without cooking. I remembered that my heart was so discomfort, scared, and anxious. I didn't want to eat those fish but it didn't seem that i have a choice to make. Then, it changed to another scene where i was finding my mum's food in the fridge that she has left. I would eat those instead of the fresh fishes. But it doesn't matter how hard i find, i still couldn't find the food in the fridge. But before that scene came in, there was another scene where something happened and we couldn't eat those fishes yet, but have to hide ourselves somewhere. Since it was a while and the fishes where displayed out there with the interaction with the air and so on, some of the fishes turned its colour and it didn't look fresh. The smells of them were stronger and stronger as well.

My ex is trying to kill me & current boyfriend with a rifle seeing us walking home from work. he starts chasing us while trying to kill us. He shoots boyfriend first. I yell out to get down, ex missed shot to boyfriend head by an inch as result. Ex shoots & hits me while I call for help. laying on ground, police car speeding towards me and boyfriend jumps out, start to run toward me. That’s when I woke up. Bf in dream is only friend in life but been wondering how to tell when to advance too relationship stage, and also nervous to do so after multiple very abusive relationships(couple were life threatening)

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