Understand My Dreams

Dreams label

At school my best friend and i were going to eat lunch. we heard forth graders yelling and crowding around something. the crowd eventually melted giving my friend and i some space to see. we saw a bloody baby hedgehog laying there. i picked it up from the underside so i would not get pricked. my friend rubbed its chin and it turned into a human girl. she was wearing the same uniform as us and she was very hungry. we went to the school garden to get raw veggies. we saw big beautiful ripe tomatoes. we were about to give it to the poor starving girl/hedgehog but the third graders were not going to let us take from their garden. i saw a tiny lean-to covering something shiny. i realized the label said crystle diamond tomatoes.....but again not allowed. then i woke up.

Ima shorten it some, u weren't in it tho.. But yeah so I was at the airport with my bro picking up my fam from PR, they got to the airport.. We walking blah blah blah and they had to go to the bathroom so I sit and wait, and this black girl starts talking smack about me but she murmuring.. and she wouldn't stop so it got under my skin... So I get up like nothing and walk over to her I didn't say anything , I just start going wild hitting her against the wall and the floor and pulling on her weave hahahah then I got tired so I left the girl there on the floor and walk away trying to blend in with the crowd.. And airport security comes n takes me to a room n start questioning me n they was gonna put like a label on me.. N I was like wait tho idk if this changes anything but (then i told them the truth) and the guy gave me label n it said trusted terrorist

Ima shorten it some, u weren't in it tho.. But yeah so I was at the airport with my bro picking up my fam from PR, they got to the airport.. We walking blah blah blah and they had to go to the bathroom so I sit and wait, and this black girl starts talking smack about me but she murmuring.. and she wouldn't stop so it got under my skin... So I get up like nothing and walk over to her I didn't say anything , I just start going wild dandole y restrallandola contra el piso y la pared and pulling on her weave hahahah then I got tired so I left the girl there on the floor and walk away trying to blend in with the crowd.. And airport security comes n takes me to a room n start questioning me n they was gonna put like a label on me.. N I was like wait tho idk if this changes anything but (then i told them the truth) and the guy gave me label n it said trusted terrorist .. Or something like tha

Two co-workers were in an aisle and I was walking around putting up labels. For some reason I had brought Mom's laptop to work, I sent it on our computer cart, and I come back and the laptop is broken in half. I am devastated and these two people didn't see anything. But somehow a few minutes later I find out one of them picked it up by the monitor and it fell apart because it was touchy. So they didn't only lie to my face, but broke my mother's laptop and tried to hide it.

People in my dream were exploding and there were 3 spirits . Two had scoll facesand were red and black labeled at the face or body and one was 2 swords criss crossed together labeled at the feet with a red glow around it and a few selected people got these spirits entered into them and these people started chanting and there was a bright and vivid haze the killed anyone or thing in its path except for people who prayed. When the people started to pray the haze didnt come any closed

I was in a large room, like they have for meetings at a hotel a woman came around and she gave everyone forms to fill out, like 3 pages front and back I was struggling the questions made no sense...and I was maybe one third of it done when she came by to collect it, a man who was there "on vacation, looked like from texas" was talking next to me, and said something about "these questions made NO sense" then when I said "these make NO sense, the woman said here try again" and handed me more of the SAME forms. I began randomly filling in words, "dog larry, jewelry, then I decided to use more interesting ones , but I do remember putting "you can wear a fur coat with jeans in california" as a answer they then gather up the forms and they have a pile on a podium of course mines first, and I find out im at a drs convention, and this is a mental test.. they read my answers, and they start telling the audience stuff about me "I have never seen this happen and we dont know what to make of this person" i thought, ok? is that good or bad?... then the woman laughes and said "ok we get it now" she figured it out! they got i knew nothing made sense, and they said i was the few that had figured out the pattern of the questions... they had so many questions then for me, i said finally mad NO i dont know the pattern! and a guy says "label her lazy psychopath"....

I was Anne frank and we were in some sort of Jew camp but to decide which building we were to stay in was some sort of panhellenic rush process. But before I was assigned my cabin, my father bribed someone for two badges labeled "common" that allowed us to leave the ghetto. When the first guard looked at mine she said "fine, go to hell!" when the second one looked at mine she said "hurry!". So my father and I escaped with who I assume was miep from the diary of Anne frank

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