Dreams of Jesus returning with flaming sword very very angry. No human spared his holy wrath. Turns out everyone thought they were saved was wrong. Bad mistake but Jesus didn't seem to mind cause he had fun. June 22, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
The vaccine was revealed to be part of a plan by hypersexual aliens to daterape mankind. Not vaccine but semen and masks mandated to stop people from seeing what is to come via semenancy. I prayed to Jesus to save us but the aliens just laughed May 21, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a room I have never been in before, I looked around only one time. All I remember is a chimney in front of me, coming out of the wall a shelf going around the chimney about standing height. The shelf went all the way around the room, the shelf had an arrangement of crosses and biblical symbols and books across the shelves. I was taking picture frames out of a box. All of which had either Jesus or holy scripture written all over them, and each one I tore off a piece of paper from the back of the picture frames. I got to the 5th picture and it was just Jesus praying, and my oldest sister came into the room, I couldn’t see her, and she started reading satanic scripture. Something like “oh unholy god come forth and bless thee, his tainted soul has prohibited us for long enough.” She continued speaking scripture for at least 5 minutes. I didn’t even turn around I just held the picture of Jesus praying. I looked up at what was a symbol, and it started bleeding from the wall. Just as that happened my oldest sister finished reading the scripture with “oh great one, come and bless us with your hands, reach out and grab him from our lives.” Just as she finished I felt a hand grab my head and pull me back, I woke up from my dream instantly with goosebumps starting at my head and running down my body as I watch my door close in front of me and a dark figure stand right behind my book bag hung up on the door. The figure just stood their whispering something and when I tried to get closer to listen it screamed at me “get back you unholy beast!” I jolted back seeing its face for a second. It wasn’t human at all, with long dark black crimson horns protruding from its skull. With a face that I saw in a dream when I was 11. I had this exact dream when I was 11 as well and again when I was 13. This is the third time happening and it’s been 4 years from than. Only this time it materialized so I could see it. Just as I was writing this a blank phone call came through my house phone. May 06, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I saw Jesus as a cloud formation and he Released a golden dove that flew towards me February 08, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
I'm jesus at the crucifixtion grew tentacles and attacked assailants June 05, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed of five demons that were there, not causing me harm, but I believe they were antagonizing me, and even with my faith in Jesus, there was nothing I could do to them. Transparent as it seemed. July 12, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
Jesus telling me I had been chosen and my time had come. Then he ate all my food and drank all my beer and nothing ever happened. July 03, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis