In my dream, I was in some kind of library. There was a big window on my left side, and the sun light was very bright. I can understand it was morning. I am reading a book and find a poem in it. As I read, I realize that it is a poem that I've written. I find it very beatiful, the most beautiful poem I've ever written. Then I realize I am in a dream. I say to myself "I wish I can remember this poem when I wake up". But i couldn't remember it when I wake up. January 04, 2024 > Read Dream Analysis
Getting into my car and realizing my boyfriend had peed on the ground and I stepped in it. I had a feeling of disgust. December 06, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I am single and yesterday night i saw that I am at the stage giving birth to a child but labour pain is not occuring so a girl injected me for starting of pain what does it mean November 28, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream in this dream i was in school then it was time for me to leave,so when i started off i was in a blue car and my lecturer was the one driving me,then behind there was another car with my siblings in it Following me,so the road we were driving on was narrow,it required a lot of work to drive through the road,so what haooened was at some point the car just stopped moving then my lecturer left and said he is coming kanshi he went back to his office,in the road we were moving it was like a passage again because in the sides there were offices,so i came out of the car trying to find a way for how the car was going to pass and while i was doing that there was a guy passing so i called him and asked him to help me push the car but he started trying to flirt with me he was a humanizer so i got upset and chased him and i reported to the other girls he was flirting with,that's how the guy left in anger,so after he left the road became well to drive through and i went back up to call my lecturer so when i went to his office what he said was "my favorite student is here" then i told him that we can go now the car can move,so we went back to the car he continued driving and both the car that was behind with siblings in it was also able to when we started leaving my lecturer told me to start calling my parents that they can come get me now aswel November 28, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in hallway with my mother and in the end of the hallway there was a room. In that room there was a person who had a black aura around them and they looked sad and looked like a cursed spirit and then I gave a object to that cursed person and it became normal again. And then again in the room there was this young boy who had a dark aura around him and he looked like a cursed spirit . He looked very sad and angry and again I gave him a object and he became like a normal kid. October 02, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in my uncle place in mumbai. Uncle is my mother brother. We were eight members can't remember who but even more people came and used another place they had upstairs but I was worried about dad since he wa not coming inside, the reason I was worried was a group of eight tigers was let loose around our area and suddenly they come to our building and we are all trapped and I cannot find dad and then I hear he left in the auto and when more people were coming to our house I could not find him so I was stressed and tensed. Don't recall the middle but before I woke up I saw that I was on the last floor and a tiger was on the ledge of one of the floors and was trying to get a horse to make his prey and horse was trying to get away from him and then suddenly my night mare come true I am alone at home and the tiger enters through the door, he is breaking all doors but as he comes in the room I am in I get out through the door and lock the room and get out of the house and try to escape but while going two floors down there is another tiger and I am scared as to how how will I escape he is a white tiger and is staring at me as he is about to pounce I run sideways and jump from the building and am hanging by the ledge and then I wake up. December 10, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in my uncle place in mumbai. Uncle is my brother brother. We were eight members can't remember who but even more people came and used another place they had upstairs but I was worried about dad since he wa not coming inside, the reason I was worried was a group of eight tigers was let loose around our area and suddenly they come to our building and we are all trapped and I cannot find dad and then I hear he left in the auto and when more people were coming to our house I could not find him so I was stressed and tensed. Don't recall the middle but before I woke up I saw that I was on the last floor and a tiger was on the ledge of one of the floors and was trying to get a horse to make his prey and horse was trying to get away from him and then suddenly my night mare come true I am alone at home and the tiger enters through the door, he is breaking all doors but as he comes in the room I am in I get out through the door and lock the room and get out of the house and try to escape but while going two floors down there is another tiger and I am scared as to how how will I escape he is a white tiger and is staring at me as he is about to pounce I run sideways and jump from the building and am hanging by the ledge and then I wake up. December 10, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis