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Dreams imps

Found 58 dreams containing imps - Page 2

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was working in a clinic/doctor's office as a newer employee. I am currently a new employee at a bank, but medicine and care is the last place I'd see myself working. All the staff at the clinic in my dream was the same staff I work with at the bank. I worked very hard this shift, and we were open late so I lost track of time and stayed much longer than I had been scheduled. One of the older staffers, who i recently covered a shift for at the bank, praised me and was very greatful i had stayed, as there was an influx of patients as the night got later. Soon it was packed with patients and more coming in. Although we were overwhelmed, I was told to go home. I packed my things, singing along to the radio to Lean On Me while doing so (a child in the waiting room sang along with me), and left. I hadn't realized there was something wrong until I got outside. It was night time, people were running and hurrying and everyone had packed bags and family scurrying around them. Once outside, I could see I was at my university campus. All the commotion stopped me in my tracks, and I could only think to get home to my family, which I instinctively knew was to the right. I started running amongst the people, as they were exiting the campus I was pushing against them and running back in. Among the people running in every direction, I saw my mother (now deceased), younger than I had ever known her. She was scrambling, and I thought she would be running home, but she ran in the opposite direction. On my campus she ran towards the building that I am in frequently, not towards the clinic or the direction of home. I called out to her but he couldn't hear me, even though she turned to look. I caught a glimpse of my brother trying to reach her too, but he looked like he was running home. And then I woke up.

I was at a lodge or resorst. There were many other people and it seemed that there was a contest or savage hunt of sorts going on. In this lodge certain amounts of money were placed throughout hidden in different places. Everybody was finding money. And every time I saw a prize from far off someone would get there before me. There was a grand prize hidden in the lodge which held the most money ever. No one could find it. I was looking around and at the entrance to the lodge I saw an object. I looked around to see if anyone saw what I was seeing. No one noticed. So I walked toward the doors hoping no one would notice. I knew it was a prize and i hoped no one got it nefore me. Everyone keep walking past it, but it was very noticeable. So I continued to walk towards it. I was soo happy that I got to the prize. When i pulled the envelope off the door it was the grand prize. I won all the money. I went upstairs and in a room I saw my mom and some of our family friends talking playing and having the time of their lives. I saw celebrity's like Jessica Simpson and nick Lachey. I was happy.

My dream began where I was sitting on my sofa when the bell rang. I opened the door to find Lisa Simpson, in a Girl Guide uniform, at my door, who asked me if I wanted to buy some cookies. Being a nice guy, I obliged and asked for three boxes. She said "So, OK, you want five boxes..." I was confused and said "No. I said I wanted three". Suddenly, she repeated, more forcefully this time, "You want FIVE boxes", before kicking me in the nuts and holding a knife to my throat, before repeating "You want five boxes. That'll be £102.50". I, scared out of my wits, nodded and gave her all the money in my wallet. She kicked me in the nuts again, said "Have a nice day" in a mocking tone and walked off, leaving me writhing in pain on my doorstep. I am male, British, and will be 18 in just under 2 weeks (my birthday is on Christmas Day). I am male, British, and will be 18 in just under 2 weeks (my birthday is on Christmas Day). I am somewhat immature in personality and often ignore people when they try to remind me of the responsibilities of adulthood. I am also not conventionally handsome or in shape and do not partake in any particular "male" activities (e.g. I am not interested in sports). I am also somewhat awkward with the opposite sex. I used to watch the Simpsons when I was a child; Lisa was my favourite character. I am wondering of the significance of this. I only started having these dreams round about now, when people reminded me of my milestone birthday.

In a large glass house by the ocean or large body of water, there is an music event happening. Somehow I know the band, and one of the band members is a blonde girl with a shorter haircut. She smiles at me, next scene im walking into a bedroom that feels familiar, I lift the covers off the bed, blonde girl is laying there spread eagle, we have sex, next scene, there is a lot of people in the house now, music is playing, next scene a portion of the house is connected right up to some large body of water, strange compulsion to be in the water, only see glimpses of blonde girl here and there, left with a feeling of longing or knowing for the blonde girl, then I woke up.

I was in an abandoned building with my brother and my sister and we were chased by something/someone. After awhile i got separated from them and i was alone. I tried to fight off the people trying to hurt me and i got injured. Then i was at a different place. Weak and alone. There was an old man. He took care of me, taught me how to fend for myself. He trained me on how to use my abilities well. I went back to the abandoned building but now, it's crowded by people. And hidden in them are the people chasing me before. I used my abilities and all the lessons i got from the training to fight them off. I almost failed again but the old man was there and he healed me. The people who were chasing me before went after the old man instead of me and i was scared that they would kill him. By this time, i still dont know the identity of this old man. I searched for him everywhere. When i couldnt find him, i went down on my knees and cried my heart out, thinking he mightve been killed by those people. Then i saw my long lost brother, with him, was the old man. He came to me and when i look up at him.. He look so familiar yet i couldnt place him. I wanted to know why he was being so good to me, and why did he taught me how to fight. He cried a little and hugged me. He told me someday i would know and he would never again, leave me defenseless. Afterwards i saw glimpse of us fighting bad people together in a forest and this time, i saw myself saving him instead. Despite all the danger, we looked happy. In that moment, i can see that je was proud of what i had become. Yet, after all the hardship we went through together, i still dont know who he is.

I was called by somebody to take a test one day. I had to go the place they asked me, I met the tutors but before starting the test along with the other candidates I had to pee. I went to the bathroom, which strangely enough was also the kitchen, and when I was done I saw my dead uncle. He was very friendly and told me to take it easy and he gave me a glass of wine to relax. I went out the room to get to the testing area; I was in a huge gigantic mansion, beautiful, with an immense garden around it. While I was going downstairs, I saw my cousin talking and also my dead grandfather. I arrived at the testing area, very late, and everybody was doing the test which was nothing but...playing volleyball. Everybody was very nervous and angry and I was the only one telling them to relax and take it easy. After this part was over, we had to sit all on one place and there I met an old friend from high school, who I hadn't seen in years. Her tone was so reassuring and it calmed me a lot. We started talking and I told her I was very excited because I would have left soon for another place. The second after I was on plane, travelling. Next to me, there was the grandfather from the Simpson series who was reading a love poem aloud. And then I woke up.

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