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Dreams hoop

Found 22 dreams containing hoop - Page 2

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

I was with a celebrity whomI loved deeply who has passed away. In the dream, we both knew he had passed away, but it didn't matter. He was there. We were very much in love. We had this deep connection. We were driving in a truck and talking. He seemed sad. He pierced my eyebrow with a hoop earring and it wouldn't stay put. It slid out of place, down my cheek, so he took it out and put it back in place again. We then were in an airport, trying to get a flight, but couldn't figure out what to do. At one point, we were also in a hotel.

I dreamt I was walking up the side of a steep hill. It was grey and concrete, a little rugged. I passed a set of refrigerators. It appeared this would be a road for a future ride, like a water-flume that's under construction. When I reached the top, I saw a hot tub constructed. I turned around and saw that someone was in it and smiling at me. Further ahead I saw someone controlling an alligator, stubby and short. It never bit me. I walked away from it. I saw it and was afraid, though it was controlled by two men. I made my way up again and saw the road was then paved. I went into a room. Got out as I probably slept thru the night. I woke up, saw there were two unrecognizable people. Then I saw my mother. The others directed us to look ahead. There we were on top of the road, looking out as we saw mountains up ahead. Further out, we saw nothing but green pastures. I then saw some brown horses on the left side, not out of control, just happy as they were. No fence. Then I noticed a flag on the side, looked like a Cuban flag. Then I saw children down below, three. And they were just playing in the field, having fun. As I woke up, I felt peaceful. The day before I had some hardship at the workplace where I have been singled out recently. Am trying to steer away from hoopla and gossip. Maybe the workers think I've climbed up to my personal "high horse"? Any clues to this strange dream? Thanks.

I had a dream isaw a friend she mentioned she&a lady named jocelyn had no way to work. The lady who she mentioned was my ex boyfriend /lover... Baby mother. I asked her "oh Ians babymother" she blurted out yes&ihad a fight with jocelyn&iwhooped her ass but ian hes in jail! The scene shifted to a jailhouse.we were there in an instant...my friend bammed on a glass wall &got his attention he said"hi"in a boredom voice..she pointed to me and when he realized it was me he stood up but i ran to the other side to get a better view but for some odd reason we couldnt.instantly i woke up&knew something was wrong

I had a dream isaw a friend she mentioned she&a lady named jocelyn had no way to work. The lady who she mentioned was my ex boyfriend /lover... Baby mother. I asked her "oh Ians babymother" she blurted out yes&ihad a fight with jocelyn&iwhooped her ass but ian hes in jail! The scene shifted to a jailhouse.we were there in an instant...my friend bammed on a glass wall &got his attention he said"hi"in a boredom voice..she pointed to me and when he realized it was me he stood up but i ran to the other side to get a better view but for some odd reason we couldnt. Before iknew it i awoke from that dream&the only thing on my mind was that he's in jail. Ian&I havent talked since may26.we talked for almost an hour at 4a.m we had a heart to heart talk he finally told me the things he was goin through&how sorry he is because i deserved better than him he emphasised &sounded as if he was soon to brake down in tears. He told me his heart is with me¬ with jocelyn he just doesnt have anywhere to stay.that same day bout 5a.m he brought me some money to pay my bills he gave me a kiss&said"ilove you helen" tho march29 He broke up with me because jocelyn had started drama betweenIan&I but we were still seeing one another talking about our issues. he said he wanted to get back with me&do it over again but i rejected the offer because iwas still severly hurt by the thigs he did to me&couldnt find it in my heart to forgive him just yet or trust him.

I had a dream that I could transform into a tiger, and I got caught by my niebors. I would turn human and try to hop the fence, but was unable to. This happened many times. Then I got into one of thier cars and tried driving over the fence. I almost worked, and I tried getting over the fence with out succeeding. Then, I suppose I somehow got out, because I was a tiger running to this weird playground. There were hoops to run through and such. I transformed to human form and flew up to avoid the place. I used my hands to do so, and didn't get very high. Then I noticed I was being pursued by my friend Hayley. I tried to run the course, but couldn't get it right. Then she can't up to me and I quickly flew up. I was getting tired, and she called for our friend Greg to help her. I landed and started running to the end of the playground. I was very slow, and she was at her normal speed. Greg was only watching us, questioning if any of it was real. I tried flying again, but it didn't work. I finally got out and ran to my house. It was night, and my grandmother was pulling into the driveway. I hopped into the car and told her to drive me out of town, and I would walk back. She said she couldn't do that, and drove to the end of the street and turned around. We got out and it was pitch dark outside. I could see the big tree in the backyard swaying with the wind, and the stars were very bright. The street Gifts were all out and I ran inside. There was a giant jar of pocket change on the counter and I looked inside it and saw some gold. Then I looked out the window at the neighbors house (the ones who captured me) and they were watching me through thier window. After this, I woke up.

Bascially I had just had a baby on a ward, but the ward didn't look like a ward then it turned horrible, the midwife were getting beaten by the doctors and all the new mums wear chained up and if they didn't behave they woul be strangled or stabbed with a pen, I went over to a man selling hulahoops abd asked him quietly to help us escape, he looked at me and he was my real partner even though in the dream I didn't know who he was. I then very calmly went and got my baby to prevent raising any suspicion, but got caught, doctors were chasing me all the way to this man, I got to him and we jumped into a submarine and went down beneath the hospital floor underwater. Once we had escaped the doctors followed us all around town, we didn't tell anyone in fear that they wouldn't believe us or they'd send us back. One day we were in the car ans the doctors came up and got inside that took us by supprise, they tried grabbing my baby, but we fought back I then opened the car door and shouted help! People came running, then I woke up.

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