I dreamt I was walking up the side of a steep hill. It was grey and concrete, a little rugged. I passed a set of refrigerators. It appeared this would be a road for a future ride, like a water-flume that's under construction. When I reached the top, I saw a hot tub constructed. I turned around and saw that someone was in it and smiling at me. Further ahead I saw someone controlling an alligator, stubby and short. It never bit me. I walked away from it. I saw it and was afraid, though it was controlled by two men. I made my way up again and saw the road was then paved. I went into a room. Got out as I probably slept thru the night. I woke up, saw there were two unrecognizable people. Then I saw my mother. The others directed us to look ahead. There we were on top of the road, looking out as we saw mountains up ahead. Further out, we saw nothing but green pastures. I then saw some brown horses on the left side, not out of control, just happy as they were. No fence. Then I noticed a flag on the side, looked like a Cuban flag. Then I saw children down below, three. And they were just playing in the field, having fun. As I woke up, I felt peaceful. The day before I had some hardship at the workplace where I have been singled out recently. Am trying to steer away from hoopla and gossip. Maybe the workers think I've climbed up to my personal "high horse"? Any clues to this strange dream? Thanks. May 12, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Dreamy my mom was in our backyard hanging clothes to dry. I walked over started talking to her, we were gossiping about things that has been going on in the neighborhood. I couldn't hear very well but she was telling me that a really light skin girl that lives a couple doors away from us got pregnant but she had an abortion. I didn't hear the pregnant part so she turned to the side and showed me her pregnant belly. I didn't know nor realized she was pregnant herself. Anyway, she was telling me this in a hushed voice cause if she spoke too loud the authorities would come and arrest the girl. While in the yard my neighbor came to our yard and put some kind of canister on top of my roof I was about to get mad when mom told me we use hers why shouldn't she use ours. I looked up into my house and saw everybody in the kitchen laughing, eating, and drinking basically having breakfast. Then I heard a commotion, seems the light skin girl had been in my house too at that time. Somehow the authorities found out what she did they came & arrested her. I still couldn't see her face & still didn't know who she was. I woke up after that February 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I was going iinto an ofice looking for employment when I noticed a girl that I consider a friend working there. I saw her standing there with a woman I know who gossips behind my back and is my enemy. I thought this woman was my friend but I found out that she gossiped behind my back and I did not get the job. My reputation was damaged. I woke up and realized that many people have been gossiping about me. I woke up. January 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I was looking for a job and I went into an office where a girl I know is employed. I thought we were friends but I realized that she was gossiping about me and saying very negative things. I did not get the job and my reputation was damaged. She was standing a woman who is my enemy. January 04, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Mother in law and daughter in law gossipping in or around a chicken slaughter house. There are many slaughtered chickens cleaned and packed into plastic bags are put in huge baskets and the baskets stacked up one on top of the other. The people in the dream are talking about another member of their family about sharing the family property. October 23, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis