My dream was about the boy i liked and that i started talking to him and that suddenly we were in six flags with other friends that i dont even know exist and that when we entered six flags it looked like a theater but with games and a lot seats that you seat on and it suddenly takes you to the roller coster but then i turn around and i see the boy that i like dating another girl and that they were kissing and hugging and they were always together and everytime i saw them it made me like i wanted to cry and kill myself June 02, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a circus, doing different jobs. Climbing on ladders to put flags up and put tents out. December 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
Walking across green springy grass nothing else around green open space ahead of me a wall like the Berlin Wall covers in graffiti someone I could not see but trusted was walking with me and when looking at wall there was a guard walking up one side of stairs up the wall and down the other side repeatedly either side of wall was a huge red flag that towered over the wall and the person kept saying walk don't run just walk be careful I felt cautious wondering where I was and why the wall and flags where in front of me November 03, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was searching through data in a computer. i saw the letters PAx as my work place, my name and the flags of two countries June 25, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis