I was travelling going to Rome in 1970's saw some Ancient Greek scriptures everyone, a lot of scattered diamond earrings. One child kept on putting needles on the fingers and inserting the diamonds like earrings then it pains me. In my dream, I can see a lot of past events, people who were dead and I can read and interpret what I'm seeing as well. I saw a past boyfriend who really meant so special to me hugging me and then gone. Then I rescued a child who's supposed to be sold over the internet for some paedophiles. February 05, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
Had several dreams this week that I had a pet duck and today it bit two of my fingers October 21, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I found many black tiny dots on my fingers and my feets too, it's like the one that you see when you type trypophobia(?) on google. I was surprised a little bit since i've never seen such a thing so i want to get rid of it. I squeeze my skin near the dots so i don't need to take them one by one and it turns out to be a black tiny insects, not sure what kind of. But instead of flying, they're crawling in the floor towards the door in front of me. Then when i continue to clean them on the other body parts of mine, i saw a small jumping spider, i think it's Heteropoda Davidbowie. I think it's cute so i said, "Hey, you're kinda cute" because i love spider. Then i woke up. May 27, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was in a car with my wife approaching a highway in the dark and I had to choose to go left or right. I chose Right Lane. The city seemed familiar so I felt like i had made the correct choice. Next thing i knew we were no longer on a road but in a muddy grass area that I had to push the car over a hill and onto the road. I remember thinking "How did i have the strength to push the car on my own?" Next i went to this house and asked for directions and help. There seemed to be a lot of dogs and they were crowding my feet and impeding my walk but not really attacking me. Several of them held my first two fingers of each hand in their mouth. Not biting me but restricting me. The next thing I knew I saw a lady and knew who she was. The thing is I only saw her head above my head in the air. Her name was Mary Maiden. I said I know who you are! You are sweet Mary the wife of Pastor Michael . She smiled and was glad I recognized her. I asked if Micahel was home as I was looking for directions to the highway. She said no but pointed me in a direction. Then Michael came home from being gone and she said oh wait Michael is here and told him I was looking for some Directions. He said something and smiled but I didn't feel he really engaged me. He might have given me some directions. I said to Mary "can you help me with these dogs? " She called them off and I helped push them off and ran to the car and drove off. Smiling I remember telling my wife, "Hey I knew that guy." What a small world. Then i drove off. I got on A road that was lit with street lights. End of dream. June 09, 2020 > Read Dream Analysis