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Dreams fan

Found 35 dreams containing fan - Page 2

Explore a collection of the latest dreams shared by our community. Discover common themes, intriguing narratives, and unique symbolism. From vivid adventures to thought-provoking scenarios, these recent dreams offer a glimpse into the subconscious mind and may even spark insights into your own dream world. Browse the "Latest Dreams" to find inspiration, connect with others, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of dreams.

Vision one consisted of a snake wrapping itself up or climbing up a square pillar. 2. the second vision she told me about seemed to be that of a mayan(?) chief (he was red skinned) with a blue headdress, eyes closed & mouth open & frowning. 3. the third & final vision, consisted of a dancing Yellow light & seemed to hang around the longest. but the yellow light filled up her vision & at first it came in like waves...then it started to dance around...like a spinning fan almost.

One i saw a dream about Michael Jackson. by the way it's about him and me. On TV the showed that MJ is coming to Sri Lanka and i got totally excited but i was just sad because i cannot meet him for real, but i don't know why. And i'm really was in a shock but however i collected all my MJ stuff to sign to Michael Jackson and give all to him. And the next morning i dressed to go to the show but i heard someone knock the door and when i open the door there was MJ and i really was like OMJ Michael you are here, i cannot believe though. And I just got fainted. Later, i saw that angelic face with beautiful smile and i said "Michael, through the years i wanted to see you, you are the best person i've ever seen and i love love you so much more than my soul! i love you so much and it's not just a fan love, but more than it. MJ said "i know it, and i'm here to take you to Never land and i wanna keep you in my place!" i was suprised and he kissed me so tightly. and took me from my home!

Vision one consisted of a snake wrapping itself up or climbing up a square pillar. The second vision she told me about seemed to be that of a mayan(?) chief (he was red skinned) with a blue headdress, eyes closed & mouth open & frowning. The third & final vision, consisted of a dancing Yellow light & seemed to hang around the longest. but the yellow light filled up her vision & at first it came in like waves...then it started to dance around...like a spinning fan almost.

I'm at a friends house, preparing a small surprise party for another friend arriving from abroad (for some reason, I think they're coming from Poland). I'm grating cheese onto a plate when one of my friends starts using a hairdryer or fan and the grated cheese blows off the plate. We become angry with each other and then everyone in the room starts arguing (I think there's 5 of us). I leave by the back door. I'm in my local village and both sides of the road are lined with severely damaged cars, damaged by other cars driven by people who are infected (I think). I start noticing that the people around me are acting strange, like they're feral. A man walks up to me (not feral) and touches my arm, he's lost and confused. He sees a woman and says "It's you. you've done this". Then there is darkness. We have fallen and he's landed on top of me (I can feel my breasts pressed to his chest) but it doesn't feel sexual. Then I am looking through his eyes (this is interchangeable, sometimes I'm in my head, sometimes in his). Through him I talk to one of his ancestors who tells him they've been searching for him to save them. There is some kind of war going on. Still as him, I'm riding on top of a cart, I jump from it and land on a horse. I slit it's throat. I then flash back to my friends house and I'm in one of my friends heads. She is locked in a closet, feeling confused and acting like the feral people I saw earlier. Someone enters the room and she's scared. Now I'm back behind the mans eyes (I see him as a warrior). Then back to myself. We see each other and feel connected. The war is over. Back to myself in my friends kitchen. I've grated too much cheese and everything is back to normal, no-one remembers anything apart from me and I'm confused. I can remember and I know it happened. I get up and leave through the back door. I want to find the warrior. I wake up.

I dreamt I was best friends with Jennifer Lawrence (the actress). We both put in our two weeks notice at our jobs. Unknowingly, we both recommended each other to our current bosses for our replacements. We also were trading houses. I was moving into her house & she was moving into my apartment. When I was at her house she had the date September 7th written in green on a dry erase board. When I asked her what that date was, she answered it was a year ago to the date she started her job. She hated her boss. That's when I told her I hated my boss as well. Which was also when we discovered we would be trading jobs, bosses, lives, etc. After that, I was packing up my things to move, My 15 year old niece and her friends were over smoking hookah out of a huge pipe. They were upset because someone smoked all of their tobacco. I am not a huge Jennifer Lawrence fan and I do not smoke Hookah, I cannot figure out with this dream means.

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