Dreaming of my daughters ex boyfriend and he was yelling and laughing at me while I told him all he had done wrong and that he was going to have karma
My dream was i was dreaming of this girl and we was going out and it was our 5th wedding anniversary and we had a son
Dreaming about someone before even meeting him
Dreaming old school friends
Dreaming of adult son who lives with his family but the dreams are of lendinb his items out or damaging his property
Dreaming of my husband's twin brother
Dreaming making extending my house and neighbor being jealous
Dreaming giving your family members money and u remain with more
So my dream started off as my mom killing herself (btw my mom has passed away in real life and I’m 18f) (I also have trouble remembering full nightmares) stuff happened inbetween after she did that and I saw her again after that and she was alive so I thought I must’ve been dreaming and then my dream hit a repeat and then I caught my boyfriend with my mom and for some reason he had a piss fetish
I had a dream where I was somewhat lucid I couldn't gain control of the situation around me. I went through 3 environments. In the first one, I was in my school's sports uniform and my school team, I saw them having some sports competition with another random school. I did not participate. Rather, I was hanging out with a few unknown people. I met two children, presumably siblings as they looked alike. They were nice kids. I remember hastily asking them if I was in a lucid dream or not. They asked, "are we?? Well I'm not. I dont know." i attempted to ask a clever question, "how much do you know about my planet?? I'm from Saturn!" They couldn't reply to it with something I wanted. But I assumed i was lucid dreaming. Afterwards, a snowfall suddenly occured. It was unnaturally fast, and i saw the mountains behind collecting snow quickly.