A boy that i been doing research on for over 4 years now named jeremiah valencia he was 13 years old and they found him beaten to death in my home town and changed all the location of it and lied about who it was that did it to him cause of magic and demons October 06, 2021 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a kickback with a group of people I never seen before One female with red hair and red mutated eyes with a very unique design, not anything scary looking actually very beautiful and only the eye color was red and a seductive demeanor (DEMON?) She was brownskin She gave me the go as we were flirting to have sex with her We head to the bathroom as everybody is in the cut watching us and the place is dark. she pulls out a vape and smokes it in a addicting manner as she hasn’t had one in a while and rejoices in having one I think we had sex then I got a uber to go to a party I think and when I was EXACTLY 7 minutes away from it I turned around to go back as someone texted me they had sex with her and it was my turn to have sex with her next even though I think I already had sex with her and then I woke up I think Ps at one moment in the dream I was in a old room I remember from my childhood as in the corner their was New Orlean decorations covered in green and purple and yellow with beads and etc. April 19, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed I was fighting amun demon and a goat man was helped me kill him September 19, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream about beelzebub. I was in the same sleeping position under the blankets, and the demon was in the form of a huge fly. Although I didn't see it i could guess by the sound of it approaching me that it was even bigger than a basketball and although I have absolutely no idea of how the demon's appearance looks like, the moment it all started i was so sure that it was Beelzebub and nothing else. February 25, 2022 > Read Dream Analysis