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Dreams counselor

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I dreamed that I was a counselor [psychiatrist/psychologist] in a prison. There was one particularly angry prisoner that I case managed. One day, he was working in a part of the prison behind a counter. He became suddenly angry with me and started saying loud, confrontational things, when I reached out my hand and touched his chest gently from across the counter. Then, he softened, came out from behind the counter, and we shared the most wonderful, tender, intimate kiss

I was at a summer camp as a camp counselor and my friend Ashley and I stole toilet paper to do a leadership game. I was then inside an old friends house and he was telling me what I needed to do like taking the dog out and doing the dishes. Then before I left he pulled me into him and kissed me. After I left the house I went to a hotel with my best friend who is now pregnant. We we kidnapped. I had to go through all these obstacles to get out and get help because she was in labor. Before I left though, there was a baby type thing in my stomach but I definitely wasn't pregnant. We finally got help and got her to the hospital where Cody (the boy who kissed me) met us there.