Understand My Dreams

Dreams convention

I'm at a pretty nice hotel checking in for a work type convention or event, and I'm excited. I'm in the parking lot unloading my baggage when I start hearing this women talking about me, with a picture of me, asking people if they've seen me etc. I get the sense that its not a good thing so I lay low and I sneak into the hotel. She spots me in the lobby and starts chasing me through the halls. I duck into a room and lock the door. She tries to get security to open the door but I've bolted it shut. I create a diversion by throwing a home made molotov cocktail with stuff from the mini bar and then run out of the door. And we keep running in circles. I see her bump into someone she knows at like the hotel bar/resteraunt so I use the time to try and escape, and I run into this creepy like ballroom/activities room at the end of the hotel. I think I'm safe hiding in this creepy room for a second until I realize there are things in the room, and I sneak around the corner and see these disgusting giant bug like monsters sawing and disembowling little children and eating them piece by piece and I scream and run out of that room and straight into this girl, who i figured out is a female bounty hunter, and we start fighting

I was in a large room, like they have for meetings at a hotel a woman came around and she gave everyone forms to fill out, like 3 pages front and back I was struggling the questions made no sense...and I was maybe one third of it done when she came by to collect it, a man who was there "on vacation, looked like from texas" was talking next to me, and said something about "these questions made NO sense" then when I said "these make NO sense, the woman said here try again" and handed me more of the SAME forms. I began randomly filling in words, "dog larry, jewelry, then I decided to use more interesting ones , but I do remember putting "you can wear a fur coat with jeans in california" as a answer they then gather up the forms and they have a pile on a podium of course mines first, and I find out im at a drs convention, and this is a mental test.. they read my answers, and they start telling the audience stuff about me "I have never seen this happen and we dont know what to make of this person" i thought, ok? is that good or bad?... then the woman laughes and said "ok we get it now" she figured it out! they got i knew nothing made sense, and they said i was the few that had figured out the pattern of the questions... they had so many questions then for me, i said finally mad NO i dont know the pattern! and a guy says "label her lazy psychopath"....

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