I dream of clay aiken pick me up in his car and going to mom house for a party and and ask when would he take me home I had to go to work
Ex boyfriend having a baby with another woman baby turns to clay and falls apart
Ex-Boyfriend has a baby with another women and the baby turns to clay and crumbles
I'm in a room made of smooth clay. i can't speak and i can't hear. Everything around me feels like slowmotion, but i move incredible fast.
Symbols on 4 foot clay vase Persian
Large clay vase on top of head holding me down
Had a dream i was in a patch of feild and a large 12 foot huge rock was in front of me out of the top of the rock water was coming out and flowing into a dinner plate size dish (also part of the rock) from there it went down into a small foot deep pond at the base of the rock. So i walked up to the deal with a urn like clay 3 foot tall pot in my hand knelt and held the drinking device in a way where the run off from the dish began to fill up the pot and overflow into my mouth.It began to fill me up with the coldest most refreshing water, it was like cold cold cold air deep deep within.The second the water hit the pit of my stomatch it felt as if it was never going to end, like the breth i took in was non stop forever coming in.It was taking me over, it was overflowing inside me only to come out only to go back in and overflow.Then i woke up and said Hey now that was cool....Share with me your thoughts.
My ex- boyfriend sent a package for Christmas. In the package were handmade puzzle pieces. They were made of clay, heavy and 3 dimensional. A note with the package said "Be careful not to lose the pieces".
First the boy i like is cleaning my hands to get rid of the clay. since it's kind of sticky it get on to him. so i try to do the same. i look up at him and our eyes lock on. we star into each others eyes. for what feels like a very long time.