I was in some water. The water was a clear greenish blue clear like water in the Bahamas. I was holding on to a large rock. There was a man there with me telling me to hold on and describing to me the depths of the water. The water would wash over the rocks as I held on but I felt safe even though I tell the Man in my dream that I could not swim good enough for that large body of water if I let go of the rock but the water rescinded and we all was walking on the wet sand looking at the beauty of the place we were at and the rocks then I was at a house where a couple was asking if I remembered calling them about getting the house and they asked me if I still was interested in getting the house and I remember hearing my Mom voice (she has past away) saying I think you should and as I walked around looking at the house in my mind I can remember really not liking it but telling the couple if my Husband and I decide to get it I will get back with them and then I suddenly was at like a Carnival or Field Day with my Grandkids one in particular that I have problems with her Mom being very cold and distant towards us She and her Mother was in my dream I was talking with my Granddaughter and then I seen myself holding hands with her Mom as she argued with someone and I was trying to calm her down as she walked away from the Carnival and then I walked through an exit where some Firefighters were standing as they rolled there hoses up and spoke to me as I exited, there's a little more of my dream but it got vague at that point September 17, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a cabin by the lake close to the water, there was a man and a woman in the shower, when they came the woman said she had sex with a dog and it was good, then i was in a cave by the water with a man, the dog was theere and i had sex with the. dog, the man assisted. Suddenly i was caught and was ashamed . Many animals came from no where, then i was night and i was at a carnival on a ride that was spinning fast i was laughing. July 24, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Carnival, prizes, little boy asking for help, little boy says "they hurt me" June 30, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I went to the carnival and i met the perfect guy there. He was everything i wanted in a guy; tall, funny, sweet, still sticks around my craziness. The first day we met we instantly connected. It was like we were already in love and meant to be even though we had just met. He even stuck around after he seen how crazy my family was. June 12, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My mom woke me up and asked to go to the store. We actuall went to the carnival. She dropped me off and i looked around. then the alarm sounded. A T-rex came in and started killing everyone. I saw one of my friends lying on the ground with a head injury. I saved her and then my mom came back with a shopping cart full of meat and explosives. the T-rex blew up and we were heroes May 28, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
My boss was playing a game like you would at a carnival, where you try to make a basket for a prize. He made the shot and won $9,000. April 20, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a carnival with my family doing a relay race. My dad, mom, little sister and half brother were there. My family sat down but I walked around the water. I looked up at the white tents, I saw a boy about my age smiling showing very sharp teeth. It then disappeared. I was a teenager at someone's house babysitting a young girl. I was holding the girl looking at the wall that had blood spelling DIE. I still had a monitor for my heart and it said, you shouldn't have done that. Then the old pokemon game came on the monitor and I was in a maze, looking for the boss. I found the boss, but then everything disappeared. I was then at my grandmother`s house in my room with my dad and little sister on my bed with me sitting on the floor next to the closet. A hand came from under the air vent with a screw driver trying to open the vent. It opened and It tried to get me but I fainted. I woke up still In the room and asked my little sisters and dad if the saw that. They said what? No what are you talking about? Are you crazy? Then I woke up. April 14, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed that I was little and I went to a carnival with my family and I walked to the bathroom by myself and these gigantic 100 foot birds attacked me. They didn't attack me like normal birds though. They were on tall pillars high above me and they stretched there tongues out and when they touched me they ripped off all my skin and I was just a skeleton but I wasn't dead October 08, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was on a moor. Then, hundreds of beautiful cats started to circle and run around me. Then, some carnival started and my sister tried to enter an art contest. But then some began hitting her with darts and then I woke. August 06, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis