My boyfriend cummed on my mom
I had a dream that a guy I think is cute got in an argument with me and later on he followed me to my bus, cornered me and kissed me. After I got on the bus, the back of the bus was the front of the bus and I got the bus driver to follow my boyfriend ’s car. My boyfriend realized the bus was following him and turned down a very bumpy road and my best friend right next to me laughed as the bus driver told us he couldn’t go down that road. So I call my boyfriend and ask why he went down that road and he said “to get away from you” and hung up
My boyfriend s wife was talking to me and paid me a compliment.
Dreaming of my daughters ex boyfriend and he was crying there was someone taking her away from me
I kissed my boyfriend s brother in front of his friends
I kissed my boyfriend s brother in front of loads of people
Kissing my boyfriend in an elevator
I had two dreams the first one was of my boyfriend yelling at me and getting pissed off I tried to calm him but he kept yelling at me and the second one was of my brother dying on me I put a belt around the injury to stop it from bleeding after I head him screaming and then he died and we left his body there and coverd it up and stuff
I had sex with my ex- boyfriend ’s brother
Dreaming my boyfriend met my deceased mom