Understand My Dreams

Dreams boy

My nephew was with me and my first born boy child where by we witness my neighbors killing someone, we tried to escape but I was unable to help my son and nephew and I went home by the time I was at home by the door I saw my nephew being shot at 2 times an by the time my son was about to get shot I called him and he came as a spirit telling me it's too late the I was crying trying to grab him and I couldn't as he was heading straight to the house where he was killed, so by the time I was going back home I saw a small van 1400 with a colour white, green and blue heading to my place as if it was driven by a woman that I know by the time I get inside the house I was crying as loud as I can but seems like nobody was paying attention at all... So I went straight to my bedroom where I saw a linen of clothes and there was an overall with blue, yellow and orange colour on it, and it looked like I knew the owner of it so I came to the kitchen where I saw my son in a zinc bath with a smoke like he was burning and his arms were shrinking Please respond

I had a dream that a guy I think is cute got in an argument with me and later on he followed me to my bus, cornered me and kissed me. After I got on the bus, the back of the bus was the front of the bus and I got the bus driver to follow my boyfriend ’s car. My boyfriend realized the bus was following him and turned down a very bumpy road and my best friend right next to me laughed as the bus driver told us he couldn’t go down that road. So I call my boyfriend and ask why he went down that road and he said “to get away from you” and hung up

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