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Dreams bow and arrow

Found 24 dreams containing bow and arrow - Page 2

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A tall thin man with long black hair and a long beard dressed in skin tight velvets red and green and long stockings like in the elizabethan period holding a long bow was walking along the edge of my property trying to call out animals to shoot i saw him from my bedroom window and shouted at him 'no hunting ' he started skipping and jumping along the edge of the bush and ducked into tree cover i ran down the field and into the bush after him where i caught up with him and two men one dressed as the lion from the wizard of oz and one dressed up as a bear we all continued on our way through the bush chasing bouncing jumping deer and yaks and saw little sprites or elves (fairies) running along watching us suddenly i was back in my home which i recently moved out of because my abusive husband and i separated and he still lives there his name is john i was trying to explain to him what happened and he accused me of sleeping with the man with the long bow (bow and arrows) then i woke up

A tall, thin man with long black hair and a long beard, dressed in skin tight velvets, red and green, and long stockings, like in the Elizabethan period, holding a long bow was walking along the edge of my property, trying to call out animals to shoot. I saw him from my bedroom window and shouted at him, 'No hunting.' He started skipping and jumping along the edge of the bush, and ducked into tree cover. I ran down the field, and into the bush after him, where I caught up with him and two men, one dressed as the lion from the Wizard of Oz, and one dressed up as a bear. We all continued on our way through the bush, chasing bouncing, jumping deer, and yaks, and saw little sprites or elves (fairies) running along watching us. Suddenly I was back in my home, which I recently moved out of because my abusive husband and I separated, and he still lives there. His name is John. I was trying to explain to him what happened, and he accused me of sleeping with the man with the long bow. (Bow and arrows). Then I woke up.

At walmart at the tv section, people playing video games, i lost, leave with my uncle in his nice red bmw, says it was only $6500 and wants to sell it, i get mad and magically start driving it, gas pedal is good, breaks were terrible, the pedals were like a sensor panel, turn into a street next to mcdonalds. arrive at an eerie 3 story house, big front and backyard, surrounded by a marsh with tall grass, go upstairs to a porch inside, zombie attack, about 8 zombies, 5 survivors, randomly a bow and arrow appears in my hand, i take too long to shoot, zombie bites my finger, push zombie against the fridge and shoot its face, i look for a weapon and grab a small rolling pin, arms feel slow and sluggish, 3 survivors killed 2 survivors left, one survivor is prince charming from shrek and he was carrying a green book and the other survivor is a random asian lady. we run outside, running feels sluggish, dream starts to feel familiar now, near the corner of the house are a bunch of zombies, start to feel like i remember the dream, i think about the green book and remember how it's about zombies and how today was the day of their resurrection, friend that is a zombie bites me on the shoulder, i get angry and hit him with the rolling pin

My mom starts dating this guy that looks like Steven Tyler, this guy is really mean and bosses us around. Then my mom says that we are going to move into this new house with him. She takes us to the house and it is a really futuristic house in the middle of the woods. Then we get there and I have to share a bedroom with all my siblings. Then me and my mom are in the house alone, she says we are going to decorate the dining room. But once we get into the dining room she decorates it how she wants to, and doesn't ask for my imput. So, then my mom's boyfriend comes back,----(i had a black out)----and all of the sudden my dad and step-mom were living in the house. We were in the living room with them and we were having a really good time. It was storming outside and the whole driveway was flooded. Then my mom shows up in the driveway, and tells us that we need to go. So my brother and sister go outside, and i said, "No, i dont want to leave!" But my mom kept insisting that I go outside. Then I was talking to my dad and i said that i don't want to leave. He said, "It's OK i'll be fine, you can go." But he was crying as he said it. And I said, "No, I don't want to leave you!" I went over to the window, and looked down the hill in our back yard. There was a Native American at the bottom of the hill with a bow and arrow. I screamed, "No!!" Then he shot the bow and arrow and it hit my dad. I was on the ground crying. My mom just kept saying that we needed to go. So my sister came and helped with my dad, but then she left and went outside in the driveway with my mom and brother. So I looked out the door, and my mom said she was leaving with my two siblings. I went out in the driveway, but it was all flooded up to my knees, and pooring down rain. She left on a raft.

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