Trimming a new beard
I was in a competition about beauty and talent and i won then the guy who picked me had black short hair and a beard with beautiful eyes and face then he told me to sleep that we have a big week ahead of us so i lay down and he told me he didnt pick me for no reason i am beautiful and talented and i fell in love with you on the minute i saw you then i ask if i can visit my cousin he came to support me in all of this and he said sure so i went and my cousin was upset and i kept asking him why and he wont tell me we were running around downtown where people noticed me on tv and stopped me and said why am i not with the guy and i caught up to him and he said i dont need a contest to clarify the things i already am.
Bible, evil, peace, rumors, hate, jealousy, music, beard, hair, fake, ex boyfriend , outer space, vehicle, enemies, sexual, technology, future, planets, books, fighting old enemy, spirits, happy, text messaging, people disappeared, older, laughing, commercial, escaping, computer, ridiculed, karma, isolated, crustaceans, hole, big butt, unread messages,
Kenny Rogers playing guitar with a beard singing with me " the gambler" while I' sitting. There is an orange beard on the electric guitar he's playing.
Passenger in an out of control car that crashes down a cliff. I am trapped in the car. Blood is coming from my mouth and I can't speak. A fat man with a beard appears and reaches out his hand to me and says "come on' I take his hand and he pulls me from the car.
I returned to my car feeling good. A little boy climbed into the car with me, (The car became a one seater). When I tried to drive away, the car was driving funny. I got out and checked the tyres and they had all been slashed. All four tyres were flat. As I looked up, A man with a beard walked out with a gun in his hand and pointed it at me with the intention of shooting me. I turned to run away and fell silently... then I woke up
I had spent a year in the wild and my hair and beard had grown longer and matted. I was standing with another man on a mountain and we were about to jump off the cliff. He went just before I did and was off to my right. We ran of the edge and fell. Just before hitting the ground he did a 360 and we landed partway down the mountain on our feet and started to surf the rocky earth to the bottom.
My boyfriend passed away in March 2016 and I recently had a dream that he was alive again and I tried calling him and he wouldn't answer so I went to his work and he pulled up in his truck and I ran to him and jumped up to him and grabbed him by his beard asked why he didn't answer my calls and he acted like he didn't remember me
I dreamt I had grown a beard two beards a light one and a dark one
Dreams about I was with my best friend and a man with a beard at a bowling alley, I watched her get kidnapped and taken away in a black shiny car