My boyfriend and his friends are at a banquet and his friend walked up to me and kissed me he was angry but didnt talk to me about it. he fell asleep alone on a chair and I asked another one of his friends to help me with math, he helped me and then we laid down on a couch together and went under the covers and made out. my boyfriend saw the whole thing and was so angry and mad that he was shaking. Why would I cheat on him in my dream if i love him so much? May 31, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at a banquet and saw the number 266 twice. I was sitting next to this little boy at this banquet that everyone was dressed up to attend that seems to be 3 years old trying to drink soda and couldn't because it was too strong. Everyone was trying not to sit next to me, talk to me and even push me off on other people for a dance. Then I was at church and the pastor called me down because I won a prize. It was fake money that had 11:11 on it and the words TWO written on it. I laughed because I thought it was a funny joke. My award was a card that had the number 19 on it. The word said Prenup spelled prenaup. April 03, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
Beautiful masculine man and felt connected to him with a banquet of food September 23, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
I was with my boyfriend at a banquet hall, I went to the bathroom, ran back to banquet hall because I heard a shooting, lights were off and police were in the banquet hall. I asked them if my boyfriend was okay and they said they didn't know and I woke up June 18, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis