When mah dad came back they had carved out his back and attached two wires to his heart and he'd get randomly shocked every now and then so he wouldnt die while they were there ._. Then i remember them bailing and my dad turning all pale as he tumbled down the stairs making his way to the bike and just riding to keep his heart from stopping. Then i broke down on the floor crying as mah mom called an ambulance.. then i woke up March 21, 2013 > Read Dream Analysis
I was under age drinking and driving and then i got pulled over then arrested and then the guy im in love with bailed me out June 12, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
In a dark house with one of my friends. Bailiff keeps knocking on the door so we hide. He is shouting my name so eventually I open the door. He is a delivery driver delivering my clarinet but it cost so much money. I then get chased bitten and attacked by 2 big black dogs and hide behind the delivery man. They still bite me. My other housemate is not supportive. Clarinet November 28, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
In a dark house with one of my friends. Bailiff keeps knocking on the door so we hide. He is shouting my name so eventually I open the door. He is a delivery driver delivering my clarinet but it cost so much money. I then get chased bitten and attacked by 2 big black dogs and hide behind the delivery man. They still bite me. My other housemate is not supportive. November 28, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis
My ex got in a fight. We left together to avoid him getting in trouble but the cop found us on the bus. They took him in and I left crying after I found out his bail would be around $1000. I gota headache from crying so much . People were telling me to stop stressing it. July 25, 2012 > Read Dream Analysis