Me and an ex were going to meet up at a restaurant but feared that it was going to close soon. He had to pick up food for his family and I wanted to get something to eat. I was already in the car and needed to use the restroom bad. Stopped at a store that turned out to be a grocery store to use their restroom. Went in and someone had already said that it was 11 and too late for anyone to use it even though as soon as I walked up there was a man walking out of the women’s side. I go in and pick the first stall. Place my payment stuff in the hole to help close the door. Little Asian dude runs off with my stuff! So I chase him down the cold food aisle and body slam him to get my money back. April 06, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
Anastasiadate reviews - anastasiadate app, anastasiadate free chat February 04, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I walk into a bank for a job interview at night. The bank sells bras and underwear right in the middle of the bank. I buy a bra for $6 before my interview. I am told to go down a dark hallway into a small dark office lighted only by computer monitors. An Asian lady greets me while she is typing and prints me an employee I. D. card in the color lime green. I ask her why did I get an I. D. if I haven't been interviewed. She says I'm hired automatically and that I will meet with my boss next. I walk down a hallway made of clear glass that lets me look in to an office with operators or telemarketers right in the middle. Further down I could see the boss in another glass office waiting for me. The boss is an old, fat man with a cheery smile. I instantly feel comfortable and know that he likes my personality. He begins asking me what schedule will work for me. August 03, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
My home was invaded by a deranged woman who held my husband and a child captive, who wanted me. I managed to escape to a nearby store run by Asian type people, I used the phone to call 911 they sent someone who didn't help, every phone I used had a different nationality who didn't understand my issue, I started asking for an English speaking operator, then I went back and managed to get my family out of the apartment we were held in and escaped In van. March 07, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was at school watching a movie. I sudenly stood up and went to the toilet. There was a girl watching me when I was in the toilet. I ran out of the bathroom and I saw someone walking in a black hoody with BTS on it. I jumped on his back. But it was not the girl from the bathroom it was a beautiful asian gay who was a singer. We walked hand in hand. we sat on a bank and sudenly he gave me a note and left. on this note was his Phone number and he asked me to go to his concert June 15, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I dreamed of a Asian woman attracted to me. She was wearing a white fitted dress and wanted to have drinks with me. We were in a luxurious house. She came to me wanting me to sit down on a couch. I asked to use the bathroom. As I was sitting on the toilet she came into the bathroom and begin to feel up my leg. I then woke up. July 19, 2018 > Read Dream Analysis
I walk into a bank for a job interview at night. The bank sells bras and underwear right in the middle of the bank. I buy a bra for six dollars before my interview. I am told to go down a dark hallway into a small dark office, that looks like a clost, lighted only by computer monitors. A middle-aged Asian woman greets me while she is sitting at her desk, typing and prints me an employee I. D. card in the color lime green that begins with the number twenty-two. I ask her why did I get an I. D. if I haven't been interviewed. She says I'm hired automatically and that I will meet with my boss next. I walk down a hallway made of clear glass that lets me look in to an office with operators or telemarketers right in the middle. Further down I could see the boss in another glass office waiting for me. The boss is an old, fat man with a cheery smile. I instantly feel comfortable and know that he likes my personality. He begins asking me what schedule will work for me. August 03, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis