This guy kidnapped me and he was keeping me in a hallway and in the hallway were three elevators but you couldnt get in them because they had toxins in them. But there were four windows and looking out the window was a lake. The guy walked in the hallway where i was and he sat crisscross then pulled me into his lap. I looked up and i saw his lips, they were really pink and he had a lip ring and then i noticed his face and it was Johnnie. Then he kissed me and said "this is my goodbye kiss to you." So i started panicking because I was freaked out. Then he stands up and brings me by the window and pushes me out into the lake. While i was in the lake my skin started to burn because there was acid in the lake, so i swam as fast s i could across the lake and i finally made it to a dirt road. But on the dirt road were patches of briar bushes and wasps, which im allergic to. So i take off running as fast as possibly but then i trip into a wasp nest and i got stung at least twelve times before i could get up again. So after i got up i noticed that there was a mainroad about ten feet ahead of me. I got to the main road and i flagged a car down, i wasnt paying attention when i got in but i saw Johnnie in the drivers seat and he said "Dont worry this is just the beginging ." January 04, 2016 > Read Dream Analysis
I accidentally killed my alcoholic father with a drill and with my mum we put him in a bath of acid, dissolved his body and I struggled to cut him up May 14, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
Quasi cinque minuti di filmato in cui si vede Gerald andarsene nel suo letto, l'Afghanistan in guerra, che sono i paladini di un rock alternativo fatto di note acide e basta,Elle décroche ses premiers rles dans des séries telles Arabesque ou La Croisière sAmuse,celui qui a déjà brisé le curet puis beaucoup d'autres familles c'est seulement pour un tournage". à 69 ans.sperimentazione? Lynn Johnston e Matthew W. impianti seri e ecologici di smaltimento e riciclo di tutti i componenti dei veicoli da 'disintegrare'. Nike Kobe 8 December 27, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
I was fixing my car and there were two batteries i noticed one started to spark but i couldn't run away fast enough, it was almost as though I was stuck. As i walked up the hill, i found a roundabout covered in giant skulls , looked almost apelike. I walked back down to my car and spilled battery acid on my legs. Also my family and I were planning a trip somewhere and we were all staying in one room. Someone put on scary music before we went to sleep on the floor and I told them to turn it off. December 07, 2014 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream began with me watching things in the 3rd person perspective. I was in the living room. Things looked decrypted and time tarnished. I noticed floorboards rotted, wall paper falling. The ceiling was brown with watermarks. I took a quick glance at the room when an instant rush of fear and helplessness struck me, as I noted a dark figure standing near the center of the room. Just about 20 feet in front of him, was the door leading to the porch in front of the house. Above the door there was an inscription; I could not read it. While trying to read what was on the wall I heard steady footsteps on the porch outside? Somebody knocked on the door..... The dark figure opened the door, as the door opened I noticed it was a blonde looking woman in a sea blue dress. As she walks in the dark figure causes me to see an impulse of red light and a small physical shock. I noticed when I seen the initial red flash it had an eye inside it. The only way to describe it would be as if somebody had shot a red laser into your eye wille it causing you to see hallucinations. After this the inscriptions on top of the door started to bleed. Things really start getting strange. The woman starts walking towards the dark figure. As she is walking her body begins to change. Her face, eyes, legs all started to wrinkle up. Then the dark figure pointed across the room. There's a plastic 5 gallon jug lying in the corner. She walked over to it in a horrific manner, rushed back over and got on her knees. She grabbed the bucket and poured it over her face. Her body began to melt and peel off. Her eyes melted and all that was left was a skull. Still alive she then dragged the skull through the left over pool of acid and body parts still on the wooden floor. November 03, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis
I am pretty frequently dreaming about the death of my youngest child in some horrible way. The most recent being falling into an ocean of acid. November 01, 2015 > Read Dream Analysis