Niece smoking cigarettes
I'm a guardian of a land in particular, keeping it safe and such I watch people do dumb things I watch someone dressed as a t Rex attempt to blend in with others I smoke a cigarette. Crazy how that taste never leaves you
Eating a cigarette
My dream was about my friend, Harold , and I. As I Remember it, we were swimming in his bathtub when Burneda walked in, carrying a tray of cookies. She offered us each one but I never got mine because before I could take one off the tray, Harold grabbed me by the waist and proceeded to do the Heimlich maneuver. It seemed like it went on for hours, but when it finally stopped, he began smoking a cigarette. I remember waking up, with no clothes on for some reason, and all the cookies were gone.
Smoking cigarettes
Running panicked and telling to someone that i know i was love but i feel like everyone hates me and telling that i’m in love with one girl at that moment i finde myself in weird ciry sitting in a hole hearing scary music and feeling anxious and nervous and smelling cigarettes but i know that in my dream i’m just there with someone i can’t see and one car but in the city i can see big buildings that are in fire and the sky is red but no one is there just me and someone voices and only one car
Holding a cigarette
I dream a lot about eating cigarettes. What does it signifies?
Son smoking a cigarette and eating the cigarette butts
Was in a ravine by a stream, it seemed i was hiding from or i didnt want anyone to see me there was houses at the top of ravine they were three story homes, i had a red back pack with me and i smoked a cigarette looked at the water in the stream it was clear ity was clean, then all sudden there was a man on other side of river talking to a woman who was on the same side as I
The next thing i know im in one of the three story houseat very long dining room table i had unpacked my back pack on the table n put it all back in the pack. the man and woman were at the table im not sure what was said but it upset me and i ran upstairs