Dream of demon, chasing, prayer
I dreamt that a demon was chasing me and I said the Lord's prayer until I woke myself up
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of demon in a dream
Image of self-doubt or denial. Something between you and greater consciousness. Negative forces.
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Meaning of chasing in a dream
If you are being chased it means that you are running away from rather than facing an issue. It also may mean that you are trying to break a social code or live your life on your own terms. If you are being chased it means that you are running away from rather than facing an issue. It also may mean that you are trying to break a social code or live your life on your own terms.
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Meaning of prayer in a dream
To dream of saying prayers, or seeing others doing so, foretells you will be threatened with failure, which will take strenuous efforts to avert.
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