Understand My Dreams

Dream of nose, jungle, tower, jumping

On a jungle log flume around the eiffel tower with crocodiles biting me, then the tour guide tells me to not be so polite by jumping out but to whack them on the nose

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of nose in a dream

Instinctive knowledge. It reflects great powers of imagination and creativity, but also difficult relations with a partner. To see your own nose, indicates force of character, and consciousness of your ability to accomplish whatever enterprise you may choose to undertake. If your nose looks smaller than natural, there will be failure in your affairs. Hair growing on your nose, indicates extraordinary undertakings, and that they will be carried through by sheer force of character, or will. A bleeding nose, is prophetic of disaster, whatever the calling of the dreamer may be.

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Meaning of jungle in a dream

Remote. Unexplored. Discovery. Adventurous part tries to emerge.

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Meaning of tower in a dream

Signifies aspirations, dreams, hopes. To dream that one is climbing a tower could probably suggest a quest in attaining one's dream, or a quest for spirituality. Signifies aspirations, dreams, hopes. To dream that one is climbing a tower could probably suggest a quest in attaining one's dream, or a quest for spirituality. To dream of seeing a tower, denotes that you will aspire to high elevations. If you climb one, you will succeed in your wishes, but if the tower crumbles as you descend, you will be disappointed in your hopes. See Ladder.

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Meaning of jumping in a dream

If you dream of jumping over any object, you will succeed in every endeavor; but if you jump and fall back, disagreeable affairs will render life almost intolerable. To jump down from a wall, denotes reckless speculations and disappointment in love.

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