Dream of bridge, blood, nose, pain, bleeding
I pierced my nose bridge and then forced a rod through which caused pain and excessive bleeding. I pulled it out, covered in blood, and looked for a smaller rod to put through,but could not find one.
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of bridge in a dream
Connection. Overcoming problems. Change in business occupation. Connection. Overcoming problems. Change in business occupation. To see a long bridge dilapidated, and mysteriously winding into darkness, profound melancholy over the loss of dearest possessions and dismal situations will fall upon you. To the young and those in love, disappointment in the heart's fondest hopes, as the loved one will fall below your ideal. To cross a bridge safely, a final surmounting of difficulties, though the means seem hardly safe to use. Any obstacle or delay denotes disaster. To see a bridge give way before you, beware of treachery and false admirers. Affluence comes with clear waters. Sorrowful returns of best efforts are experienced after looking upon or coming in contact with muddy or turbid water in dreams.
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Meaning of blood in a dream
Essence. Life energy. Unfortunate love affairs. Severe disappointment. Blood-stained garments, indicate enemies who seek to tear down a successful career that is opening up before you. The dreamer should beware of strange friendships. To see blood flowing from a wound, physical ailments and worry. Bad business caused from disastrous dealings with foreign combines. To see blood on your hands, immediate bad luck, if not careful of your person and your own affairs.
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Meaning of nose in a dream
Instinctive knowledge. It reflects great powers of imagination and creativity, but also difficult relations with a partner. To see your own nose, indicates force of character, and consciousness of your ability to accomplish whatever enterprise you may choose to undertake. If your nose looks smaller than natural, there will be failure in your affairs. Hair growing on your nose, indicates extraordinary undertakings, and that they will be carried through by sheer force of character, or will. A bleeding nose, is prophetic of disaster, whatever the calling of the dreamer may be.
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Meaning of pain in a dream
Sickness. Unhappiness. Conflict. There is a problem that hurts. To dream that you are in pain, will make sure of your own unhappiness. This dream foretells useless regrets over some trivial transaction. To see others in pain, warns you that you are making mistakes in your life.
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Meaning of bleeding in a dream
To dream of bleeding, denotes death by horrible accidents and malicious reports about you. Fortune will turn against you.
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