Dream of sun, moles, scratch
I was on holidays, and as a reaction to the sun i became covered in moles, and i was trying to scratch them off but they wouldn't come off
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of sun in a dream
Life. Energy. Continuity. You are producing something worthy. To dream of seeing a clear, shining sunrise, foretells joyous events and prosperity, which give delightful promises. To see the sun at noontide, denotes the maturity of ambitions and signals unbounded satisfaction. To see the sunset, is prognostic of joys and wealth passing their zenith, and warns you to care for your interests with renewed vigilance. A sun shining through clouds, denotes that troubles and difficulties are losing hold on you, and prosperity is nearing you. If the sun appears weird, or in an eclipse, there will be stormy and dangerous times, but these will eventually pass, leaving your business and domestic affairs in better forms than before.
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Meaning of moles in a dream
To dream of moles, indicates secret enemies. To dream of catching a mole, you will overcome any opposition and rise to prominence. To see moles, or such blemishes, on the person, indicates illness and quarrels.
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Meaning of scratch in a dream
To scratch others in your dream, denotes that you will be ill-tempered and fault-finding in your dealings with others. If you are scratched, you will be injured by the enmity of some deceitful person.
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