Dream of crying, air, breath, nose
I was being comforted while crying, unable to breath through my nose gasping for air as though I was sufficafing
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of crying in a dream
Emotional release. Grief. Domestic trials are on the way. Emotions need to be released. To dream of crying, is a forerunner of illusory pleasures, which will subside into gloom, and distressing influences affecting for evil business engagements and domestic affairs. To see others crying, forbodes unexpected calls for aid from you.
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Meaning of air in a dream
This dream denotes a withering state of things, and bodes no good to the dreamer. To dream of breathing hot air suggests that you will be influenced to evil by oppression. To feel cold air, denotes discrepancies in your business, and incompatibility in domestic relations. To feel oppressed with humidity, some curse will fall on you that will prostrate and close down on your optimistical views of the future.
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Meaning of breath in a dream
To come close to a person in your dreaming with a pure and sweet breath, commendable will be your conduct, and a profitable consummation of business deals will follow. Breath if fetid, indicates sickness and snares. Losing one's breath, denotes signal failure where success seemed assured.
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Meaning of nose in a dream
Instinctive knowledge. It reflects great powers of imagination and creativity, but also difficult relations with a partner. To see your own nose, indicates force of character, and consciousness of your ability to accomplish whatever enterprise you may choose to undertake. If your nose looks smaller than natural, there will be failure in your affairs. Hair growing on your nose, indicates extraordinary undertakings, and that they will be carried through by sheer force of character, or will. A bleeding nose, is prophetic of disaster, whatever the calling of the dreamer may be.
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