Dream of crying, fire, home, house, waiting, hugged
I was at home and my dad set the house on fire and saved everyone but me and then when i got out and he was waiting and started kicking me and i got up and hugged him and started crying
Dream Interpretation Analysis
Meaning of crying in a dream
Emotional release. Grief. Domestic trials are on the way. Emotions need to be released. To dream of crying, is a forerunner of illusory pleasures, which will subside into gloom, and distressing influences affecting for evil business engagements and domestic affairs. To see others crying, forbodes unexpected calls for aid from you.
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Meaning of fire in a dream
Spirit. Energy. Unpolluted and cleansing. Need to be inspired or renewed. Fire represents change, transformation, or enlightenment. It also represents passion and anger, depending on what else is going on in the dream. Fire represents change, transformation, or enlightenment. It also represents passion and anger, depending on what else is going on in the dream. Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land. To dream of seeing your home burning, denotes a loving companion, obedient children, and careful servants. For a business man to dream that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results. To dream that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many pleasant surprises. You will have distant friends to visit. To see a large conflagration, denotes to sailors a profitable and safe voyage. To men of literary affairs, advancement and honors; to business people, unlimited success.
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Meaning of home in a dream
Center of being. Spiritual self. Shelter. Basic need fulfilled. Happiness within the family. To dream of visiting your old home, you will have good news to rejoice over. To see your old home in a dilapidated state, warns you of the sickness or death of a relative. For a young woman this is a dream of sorrow. She will lose a dear friend. To go home and find everything cheery and comfortable, denotes harmony in the present home life and satisfactory results in business. See Abode.
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Meaning of house in a dream
Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.
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Meaning of hugged in a dream
A hug is a very pleasant dream symbol. It suggests love and tenderness. It is also symbolic of comfort and protection. Look at all of the details in your dream and look for the positive meaning. The only time that this dream symbol has negative connotations is if you were to hug or be hugged by a very negative person or something that you consider "evil." Otherwise, it is a sweet and comforting dream symbol.
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