Understand My Dreams

Dream of animals, niece, wild

Hill wild animals niece accompanying my niece go up and down

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of animals in a dream

To see animals in a dream may indicate fears but it depends on the type of animals. Big cats such as tigers and lions may indicate fear of your own desires, needs or bad people. Seeing nice pets animals may show the connection and needs for someone to take care of like a child.

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Meaning of niece in a dream

For a woman to dream of her niece, foretells she will have unexpected trials and much useless worry in the near future.

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Meaning of wild in a dream

To dream that you are running about wild, foretells that you will sustain a serious fall or accident. To see others doing so, denotes unfavorable prospects will cause you worry and excitement.

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Similar Dreams

My grandfather was looking for something which he couldn't find, he came up with an alternative by deciding to sign on a piece of paper He wrote "in whom I love: my son" I asked why he didn't become specific by writing "my son: John" because its the name i love My uncle mumbled, and i explained to my grandfather why i love the name: i said Zaccaria and Elizabeth were promised a child but the problem was that they were too old so Zaccaria didnt believe whereby God shut his mouth until he could speak: my grandfather was listening as if its the first time he heard the story My aunt then arrived, and her baby girl took all the attention, everybody stopped listening to me and gave my niece attention It was then i decided to stop telling why i loved the name John

What did you dream of?