Understand My Dreams

Dream of chasing, escape, well, black, cage, empty, fear, hood, animals, monkey, key, dungeon, figure

I was in a cage in a dungeon. Around me there were thousands of animals also in cages. I tried to get out but there was something chasing me and I hid in an empty cage and I could feel my fear very strongly. There was a monkey, e wanted to escape as well but he needed his toy which had a key in it. I got the monkey out because I had seen his toy and when I turned to look at where it had been the toy wasn't there, instead stood a figure in all black with a hood on.

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of chasing in a dream

If you are being chased it means that you are running away from rather than facing an issue. It also may mean that you are trying to break a social code or live your life on your own terms. If you are being chased it means that you are running away from rather than facing an issue. It also may mean that you are trying to break a social code or live your life on your own terms.

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Meaning of escape in a dream

To dream of escape from injury or accidents, is usually favorable. If you escape from some place of confinement, it signifies your rise in the world from close application to business. To escape from any contagion, denotes your good health and prosperity. If you try to escape and fail, you will suffer from the design of enemies, who will slander and defraud you.

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Meaning of well in a dream

To dream that you are employed in a well, foretells that you will succumb to adversity through your misapplied energies. You will let strange elements direct your course. To fall into a well, signifies that overwhelming despair will possess you. For one to cave in, promises that enemies' schemes will overthrow your own. To see an empty well, denotes you will be robbed of fortune if you allow strangers to share your confidence. To see one with a pump in it, shows you will have opportunities to advance your prospects. To dream of an artesian well, foretells that your splendid resources will gain you admittance into the realms of knowledge and pleasure. To draw water from a well, denotes the fulfillment of ardent desires. If the water is impure, there will be unpleasantness.

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Meaning of black in a dream

Black signifies isolation and transition period. It shows up conflicts and friction with relations and friends. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc. Black is the unconscious mind, or the death of the old, like the death of an idea or end of a job, etc.

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Meaning of cage in a dream

Imprisoning of dangerous elements. Parts that need to be control or limit. Danger. In your dreaming if you see a cageful of birds, you will be the happy possessor of immense wealth and many beautiful and charming children. To see only one bird, you will contract a desirable and wealthy marriage. No bird indicates a member of the family lost, either by elopement or death. To see wild animals caged, denotes that you will triumph over your enemies and misfortunes. If you are in the cage with them, it denotes harrowing scenes from accidents while traveling.

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Meaning of empty in a dream

Unloading. Isolation. Want to get rid of something.

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Meaning of fear in a dream

Unexpressed love. Self-doubts. Courage.

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Meaning of hood in a dream

For a young woman to dream that she is wearing a hood, is a sign she will attempt to allure some man from rectitude and bounden duty.

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Meaning of animals in a dream

To see animals in a dream may indicate fears but it depends on the type of animals. Big cats such as tigers and lions may indicate fear of your own desires, needs or bad people. Seeing nice pets animals may show the connection and needs for someone to take care of like a child.

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Meaning of monkey in a dream

To dream of a monkey ,denotes you have deceitful friends that will flatter you to advance their own interest. Opposition in love. To dream of a monkey, denotes that deceitful people will flatter you to advance their own interests. To see a dead monkey, signifies that your worst enemies will soon be removed. If a young woman dreams of a monkey, she should insist on an early marriage, as her lover will suspect unfaithfulness. For a woman to dream of feeding a monkey, denotes that she will be betrayed by a flatterer.

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Meaning of key in a dream

Keys represent access to something previously unattainable. A key that does not fit the lock can mean that your efforts at access are being denied. It can also mean that you are locked out of a relationship or opportunity. Locked doors may symbolize feelings or ideas you are suppressing. Keys represent access to something previously unattainable. A key that does not fit the lock can mean that your efforts at access are being denied. It can also mean that you are locked out of a relationship or opportunity. Locked doors may symbolize feelings or ideas you are suppressing. To dream of keys, denotes unexpected changes. If the keys are lost, unpleasant adventures will affect you. To find keys, brings domestic peace and brisk turns to business. Broken keys, portends separation either through death or jealousy. For a young woman to dream of losing the key to any personal ornament, denotes she will have quarrels with her lover, and will suffer much disquiet therefrom. If she dreams of unlocking a door with a key, she will have a new lover and have over-confidence in him. If she locks a door with a key, she will be successful in selecting a husband. If she gives the key away, she will fail to use judgment in conversation and darken her own reputation.

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Meaning of dungeon in a dream

To dream of being in a dungeon, foretells for you struggles with the vital affairs of life but by wise dealing you will disenthrall yourself of obstacles and the designs of enemies. For a woman this is a dark foreboding; by her wilful indiscretion she will lose her position among honorable people. To see a dungeon lighted up, portends that you are threatened with entanglements of which your better judgment warns you.

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Meaning of figure in a dream

To dream of figures, indicates great mental distress and wrong. You will be the loser in a big deal if not careful of your actions and conversation.

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