Understand My Dreams

Dream of temptation


Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of temptation in a dream

To dream that you are surrounded by temptations, denotes that you will be involved in some trouble with an envious person who is trying to displace you in the confidence of friends. If you resist them, you will be successful in some affair in which you have much opposition.

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Similar Dreams

I was dreaming I went out with a well known guy which I have bumped into the other day and since then he has been on my mind. My dream was that he started chatting to me and invited me over for dinner, I went to the dinner and then he took me to another place which I cant remember what we did but then we went back t his house to find ourselves ending up in bed. In the back of my mind I kept telling myself I have to leave my boyfriend before sleeping with this guy but the temptation was just so high I couldn't leave at that moment then suddenly I saw a flash of my boyfriend where the other guy said to me I have to stay he wont know and we can be together...

What did you dream of?