Understand My Dreams

Dream of orator


Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of orator in a dream

Being under the spell of an orator's eloquence, denotes that you will heed the voice of flattery to your own detriment, as you will be persuaded into offering aid to unworthy people. If a young woman falls in love with an orator, it is proof that in her loves she will be affected by outward show.

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Similar Dreams

I'm sitting on the stairs on my grandma's attic with an autistic kid maybe 2 or 3 years older than me. Blonde hair, green eyes, blue and white striped polo shirt, and tan shorts with a ton of large pockets. I don't know him, but I feel that he's important. A short man maybe as tall as me jogged pass us up the stairs panting, "Quick they're coming!" I know what he means, airplanes that drop dangerous bombs and fighter jets. I grab the autistic boy's hand and chase after the man, climbing another set of stairs that never really existed in reality. I look back and say, "We might need to turn around and go down." However I keep going up, ending up out of the house in a field. I had never been there before. Taking the boy's hand we run in the open and I see the jets circling. I see a set of bleachers, knowing somehow a person is going to save us and come in a plane to take us to safety. I see hundreds of innocent people climbing the bleachers. Standing there waving their arms. Looking for hope. Me, the boy, and the man are a hundred yards away from the bleachers. Then I see the bomb dive into the bleachers. Bodies are thrown everywhere. In front of me a hole opened up acting as a tunnel into a laboratory, we run in seeing all the scientists. They all in unison say, "Everything is ok." I turn around and the boy is gone. So is the man. As if they disappeared. I leave the laboratory and sit in the grass, holding my legs. Rocking back and forth, then I feel calm as if nothing happened and that everything that happened was all just a game.

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