Understand My Dreams

Dream of

Electronic devices

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Similar Dreams

I was staying at a patio in a hotel-like place. I had a bed with no base lying on the ground, and I had the skies above me. At night I was looking at the clouds at the dark skies, and checking the people walking by or entering their rooms. First came two cute girls. I tried to call one of them, saying she's hot, but I was too sleepy to make it sound. They looked strangely at me and left. Then came another couple and enter to the closest room. They left their door open and I could see they're making out. At first I thought they were both girls, but then I had noticed one of them is a blond long haired boy. This fact made me look away and continue my way to sleep. At some moment in the dream I ran into my girlfriend and understood she's staying there too with some other girl friends and mates. I don't remember how but at some moment, one of my girlfriend 's mates came into my room ( suddenly i had one, and it looked just like my real own room) and the situation became sexual. I think she blew me. After then, when it seemed like she was waiting for more, I tried to explain to her that I have a girlfriend and I don't want it no more and she has to be quiet. She insisted she'll tell out her friends. Suddenly her friends came by and said hi. I was fully naked but no one saw that. I said hi but didn't kept on conversing, only listened to them doing it. Then my girlfriend came too. Even she didn't notice I'm naked. She asked who's here, and I avoided answering her, tho she could see herself. Then, a waterspout hit me and spread water in my whole room, even on all my electronic devices. I saw my father and realized he's the source to that. He said relax it's only water. My iPhone got a bit broken, and it's color got off a bit. I sent that girl home and got upstairs (suddenly my room is even at my own house) and shouted out at my father, yelling at him that he should pay to fix it.

What did you dream of?