Understand My Dreams

Dream of chair, leg

I had a dream where i had been for a walk and then ladies of similar faces were sitting on a chair and lifting one of their leg and told Asalamualaikum' in your dream..

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of chair in a dream

Position, style or attitude. Being conformable with something or someone. To see a chair in your dream, denotes failure to meet some obligation. If you are not careful you will also vacate your most profitable places. To see a friend sitting on a chair and remaining motionless, signifies news of his death or illness.

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Meaning of leg in a dream

Is associated with support and movement. Joy and happiness.,but an injured leg denotes unprofitable occupations.

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Similar Dreams

I had a dream about I'm studying college somewhere in the college my School friends also there. In that class I'm the silent girl moreover I was sit at first bench in the class. I was late joine however I got one friend who have a handsome, cute , loyal man. He have a lot of girls fan but he only want to friendship with me. One day he proposed me and I'm accept his proposal. One day so many rumours about his I got my some people. He was trying to convince me to said that this is was rumour but I'm not ready to know that it is. We all travel at the bus he was sit behind me. I'm looking him both know well but I'm in anger. At the time we where sit at the bus some people tell me about him that rumours on that time I look at him moreover asking him in my eyes he said no then I talk with him. Then I'm side with him then talk with him on his ears. I'm eating chicken and asking him do you want he said no i don't eat sometimes only I eat that you eat my dear. Then I'm eating food he was sighting me. Then in he drop at our college front gate. At the time girls trying to talk with him but he doesn't mind those people who try to impress him. He is familiar man but only want me. He doesn't mind others who try to impress

What did you dream of?