Understand My Dreams

Dream of


Dream Interpretation Analysis

Similar Dreams

Started off at the mall where I was relaxing under a tree. All of a sudden, armed gunmen started approaching about 500 yards apart from one another in a grid pattern. I apparently had a wingsuit and took to the skies. The remainder of the dream was trying to avoid their shots and bouncy bombs that had to be swatted away with perfect timing in order to avoid being blown apart. Eventually, I reached the Oracle (yes, Oracle the software company) building and the gunmen were now about 100 yards apart from each other (so much more in a close range in the field) also now there were gunmen on the rooftops. I tried everything I could to hide in trees and avoid them but they kept spotting me and I would have to move quickly to avoid their bullets and bombs. Eventually, I found some old acquaintances from high school a few blocks away who were doing their best to fight the gunmen off but the area became overrun. Large lights began to flash and sirens sounded and then I woke up.

A meeting with one of my favourite actors, I decide to dress up as characters from his show and act like them, but then I accidently activate a nuclear bomb and we swim through the tsunami into a jungle where we start to build treehouses and swing from branches, kinda like Tarzan. Then, I'm invited to an American hotel, I meet some of my friends there, but then it's attacked by gunmen at first we run but then I decide I'm not going to waste time, I'm going to fight them so we go to find guns from a local military base. Finally, I'm moving home and I'm with these people that I've never met. I chill with them and go round to meet my other flatmate who lives in an imposing house next door to us, it's like a gothic mansion. Both houses are in a secluded area. A man comes to the door but then I hear something really strange and as I don't like haunted houses, I leave my friend there. Later on, after explaining I think it's haunted, my friend comes to our door saying that there's a recording of the owner being a murderer explaining things about trying to find a new killer, a successor, the house has weird lights and rooms are lit up in different colours from yellow to red and we can hear cackles and screams from the recording of the murderer's actions. I decide lets call the police but my phone's running out of battery and I'm worried about staying there and ringing on the house phone. Then, a guy comes along with his daughter and we deduce they are possibly the possessed spirit of the murderer and his possessed daughter, both of whom are dead. I leave the house, and two others join me as it's dark as we need to call the police and it's dark and we're afraid of the dark in horror situations. Then my dream ended.

What did you dream of?