Understand My Dreams

Dream of construction, web, independent, pest

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Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of web in a dream

Complex network. Delicacy. You are feeling trap . To dream of webs, foretells deceitful friends will work you loss and displeasure. If the web is non-elastic, you will remain firm in withstanding the attacks of the envious persons who are seeking to obtain favors from you.

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Meaning of independent in a dream

To dream that you are very independent, denotes that you have a rival who may do you an injustice. To dream that you gain an independence of wealth, you may not be so succcessfull at that time as you expect, but good results are promised.

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Meaning of pest in a dream

To dream of being worried over a pest of any nature, foretells that disturbing elements will prevail in your immediate future. To see others thus worried, denotes that you will be annoyed by some displeasing development.

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Similar Dreams

I saw a big ocean crystal clear water that our crash gear failure crash happened in that ocean inside the car my dad mom brother aunty aunty son was inside actually I was driving but I felt down in between the partition of the road I was chasing running for them and searching but they accident was happened in the ocean. I cross the ocean to save them and to search their bodies but so I jumped inside the water but I couldn't I was drown so the workers inside the ocean save me pull me out then I try again to search for them so I asked one guy he asked me to inside to take jumpsuit and ocean inside I said I don't want to go inside that he instead went and his look from the door was so scary he threw me a cotton and band aid cloth with wierd face so I spit to him and angry to him and I told him never then he close that door that door was the way I came to construction side of water so I had no where to go I was Stück but I decided to search for ocean and search but something happened burden to my body then I woke up.

What did you dream of?