Understand My Dreams

Dream of


Dream Interpretation Analysis

Similar Dreams

A man is painting with lots of black color. He painted a symbol which is unknown to me. Then, a monster who is throwing fire, chase him.....There were other people there as well. However, they were killed by the monster. Until the only one left is him. He really dont know what to do.....He just tell himself that everything was just a dream. He grasp the paintbrush and painted his temple. Afterwards, the monster was gone. He painted again the symbol and then leave

I was running towards something in a crowded noisy room of women when I knocked a paintbrush out of an elderly woman's hands. The other women around stopped and became still and silent, and I felt the tension. I knew something was horribly wrong. When I turned to the elderly woman to express my apologies, her eyes started to become more and more bloodshot until all of her eyes were blood red and I could feel, what I can only describe to be, pure evil pulsing from her to me. Then I woke up.

What did you dream of?