Understand My Dreams

Dream of jail, mattress, sleep, dreaming, house, nephew

Dreaming of nephew in jail who sleep outside my house on mattress

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of jail in a dream

To see others in jail, you will be urged to grant privileges to persons whom you believe to be unworthy. For a young woman to dream that her lover is in jail, she will be disappointed in his character, as he will prove a deceiver. See Gaol.

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Meaning of mattress in a dream

To dream of a mattress, denotes that new duties and responsibilities will shortly be assumed. To sleep on a new mattress, signifies contentment with present surroundings. To dream of a mattress factory, denotes that you will be connected in business with thrifty partners and will soon amass wealth.

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Meaning of sleep in a dream

To dream of sleeping on clean, fresh beds, denotes peace and favor from those whom you love. To sleep in unnatural resting places, foretells sickness and broken engagements. To sleep beside a little child, betokens domestic joys and reciprocated love. To see others sleeping, you will overcome all opposition in your pursuit for woman's favor. To dream of sleeping with a repulsive person or object, warns you that your love will wane before that of your sweetheart, and you will suffer for your escapades. For a young woman to dream of sleeping with her lover or some fascinating object, warns her against yielding herself a willing victim to his charms.

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Meaning of dreaming in a dream

Creating stage. Walking to inner reality. Impossible desires. Emotional sorrow.

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Meaning of house in a dream

Financial security. Happiness within the family. Honor and dignity. Being. To dream of building a house, you will make wise changes in your present affairs. To dream that you own an elegant house, denotes that you will soon leave your home for a better, and fortune will be kind to you. Old and dilapidated houses, denote failure in business or any effort, and declining health. See Building.

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Meaning of nephew in a dream

Family. Extension of yourself.Fresh blood. You want to start again on an old relationship. To dream of your nephew, denotes you are soon to come into a pleasing competency, if he is handsome and well looking; otherwise, there will be disappointment and discomfort for you.

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