Understand My Dreams

Dream of liver, failure, transplant

Liver transplant failure

Dream Interpretation Analysis

Meaning of liver in a dream

Sluggishness and bad feelings. This dream denotes unpleasant times and inability to attain comforts that are necessary to those looking to you for subsistence. To dream of a disordered liver, denotes a querulous person will be your mate, and fault-finding will occupy her time, and disquiet will fill your hours. To dream of eating liver, indicates that some deceitful person has installed himself in the affection of your sweetheart.

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Meaning of failure in a dream

For a lover, this is sometimes of contrary significance. To dream that he fails in his suit, signifies that he only needs more masterfulness and energy in his daring, as he has already the love and esteem of his sweetheart. (Contrary dreams are those in which the dreamer suffers fear, and not injury.) For a young woman to dream that her life is going to be a failure, denotes that she is not applying her opportunities to good advantage. For a business man to dream that he has made a failure, forebodes loss and bad management, which should be corrected, or failure threatens to materialize in earnest.

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Meaning of transplant in a dream

Dreaming on Transplant in a Psychological Interpretation means you are waiting for your problems to be solved alone, or by someone else instead of trying to solving them yourself. Dreaming on a transplant in a hospital may indicate your pet is ill. By the Kabbalah, Transplant is a way to the next world.

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What did you dream of?